Waaay too Excited [ April 25, 2002, 12:46 am ]

"Whateva! Whateva! I do what I want!!" I am really too hyper right now. At quarter to one in the morning. This is great. Why the hell am I not like this during the afternoon when I should be productive? My body confuses me.

Soooo, yeah. I'm hyper. I think that I was scaring some people at the NAE soiree tonight, because I don't think that some of them had ever seen me outside of the meetings, where I usually just observe and occasionally give my opinions. So tonight I was completely hyper--blame it on the caffeine. I had too much Pepsi. LOL. Yeah I was jumping around and swearing and laughing and dancing and flirting and being basically normal me. It was sooo much fun. Oh-we were bowling at Big Daddy's by the way. I suck at bowling. I have a new high score. 75. Wooo-hooooo! Go me! (I told you I suck!)

At this thingy though I was talking to people about next year. And it dawned on me: next year is really going to be great. I am totally psyched to be coming back. I want summer to be over really fast. Really really fast. At least I get to come back early. Yay! I enjoy it here in Marquette a lot. Plus Em is down here, and things are always 10 times more interesting when we're within a 2 mile radius of each other. (Sidenote: awww! This song is so cute--"Hello" by Sugarbomb. The lyrics make me happy. "Hello hello, won't you come right in/Won't you step into my world where you know you're everything...")

I am completely psyched about next year. Here's why:

~I'm the Hunt AP. Sorry if this is like the millionth time I've mentioned it. I am really psyched. I've already begun to think of programming ideas. This is a chance for me to branch out, expand my horizons, meet a TON of new people, become more open-minded, and also more responsible. And I'm venturing outside of my safety zone--VA--and going kinda ghetto in Hunt. But I like the chill vibe there. That's why I wanted to work there. Plus--BONUS--I get my own room. That is so so fabulous. I've already started to think about how I'm going to decorate it. Hehehe

~NAE: I just adore being a part of this organization. It is a lot of fun, plus I think it'll really help me when I go out into the world of PR. And I promise for next year I'll work even harder and give 200% to the organization.

~Student Leader Fellowship Program (SLFP): This is a program that helps students hone their leadership skills--a necessity in the real world. This will be a chance for me to meet a bunch of new people, and learn a lot. I'm really looking forward to this program. I've heard nothing but good about it, so I have high expectations and hopes for it. =)

~PRSSA: I'm going to get involved with this to help me prepare for PR in the real world. I can't wait to meet more people and learn some good skills...hopefully. =)

~Radio X: So Bob and I wanna get a radio show on our college radio station--Radio X. Yeah...we were talking about how nobody just plays happy pop music. So we wanna do a show that just plays the music that we enjoy. Most of the stuff on the station is techno/heavy metal/world/ghetto/non-popular music. And that may be the point, but we wanna just have a fun show. Bob thought of a name: The KiKi and Queer Top 40 Show. Nice, eh? LOL...we may have to work on the title. But it'd be a lot of fun if we could do a show. It'd also help to expand my horizons. hahahahaaa

~FRIENDS!! I love my college friends so much. We have so much fun together. And next year they're gonna be scattered all over the place, which could be tricky, but also a lot of fun. I think next year is going to be fun to hang out with all of them.

I think you get the idea of how pumped I am. I'll stop now. Caffeine is now wearing off. I'm not so hyper anymore...which some may consider a blessing. lol.

OOOHHHH--There's an NSync special on tv tomorrow night. how fun! And Megan and I are gonna have a repeat performance at the Shamrock tomorrow night as well. Fun stuff. Lookin' forward to it. Tomorrow will be goooood. Until next time....Ciao, dahling!


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