Bitch Session! (Break out the ice cream, girls!) [ April 24, 2002, 3:24 pm ]

Today is a time to vent. I'm not really in a pissy mood or anything. It is just a good good time to vent.

Today it rained. Yay....kind of. It wasn't the sprinkly kind of rain that just slightly mists you. Oohh nooo. It was the kind of rain that can knock you over if you weren't careful. It wasn't raining like that when Em came over this morning. SHe was like "it's just dark and kinda icky." What a metereologist she is. But it didn't look bad outside. So I was like ok. Kind of a grubby day, but ok enough to try to look semi-decent. And so I attempted to do my hair. It didn't really work well but it looked alright. Kind of cute. And I put makeup on. (Which I usually do, but for some reason the makeup gods smiled upon me today.) THEN I get outside. It's coming down in torrents. Gushing rain. NOt impressive. NOT COOL. It wasn't even so much that I had spent time on my face and hair, but the fact that I was completely soaked 3 seconds out the door. Really soaked. I sat through Poli Sci with a wet hoody sweatshirt on. Grr. It just dried like an hour ago actually. Oh--Now it looks like the sun is trying to come out. How nice. It must've looked really funny. A bunch of college students fighting their way up the hill to class in the pouring rain. And me especially. It seemed like I got the worst of the rain for some reason. I looked more soaked than any of them. I had rain dripping from my eyelashes. It was bad. My hair was sopping dripping wet. Jamie saw me in the hall and nearly fell over laughing. Thanks, hon, love you too. Mwah.

(Mmmm...roomie has the "Other Half" on tv right now. Mario Lopez is hot. :::drooooool:::)

K, now here's the thing that really has had me fried the past couple of days. And this may sound really stupid and petty and immature but I just don't care! My sister Katy now has a car. She's only a junior in high school. Why the FUCK does somebody need a car as a junior in high school? You don't have any privaledges the seniors do, you seriously don't have that hopping of a social life. I find it to be quite pathetic. I'm seriously pissed off. When did I get a car? After graduation. AFTER GODDAM GRADUATION. Mom wouldn't let me get one before then. She didn't think that I needed it. K, I was the busiest senior ever. I was in pep band, editor of the yearbook, I mentored, I had a job (well til the Chippewa burnt down at the end of first semester--but that's another story), I was in National Honor Society,student council, senior council, and forensics. (I was quite the overachiever--so sue me. I liked it!)And lovely mother didn't see the need for me to have a car. Right. I was barely home Senior year. Grrr. Now Katy gets a car in her junior year? This is most certainly not fair. She's a cheerleader...that's about it. She doesn't have activities every night like I did. And she doesn't hang out with her friends on a regular basis like I did. She does NOT need a car. This completely pisses me off. I totally got the short end of the deal just because Im the first born. I had to break Mom in for Katy. I had to beg, plead, conjole, and sign my name in blood to get anything out of her. I barely was able to use HER damned car. It was a bad sitch for a high school girl to be in. I just don't think it's fair. Here, I had to work for everything from Mom in order to get any sort of benefits. And Katy just kinda has breezed her way through everything. Mom gives into her sooo easily.

OK, now that I think about it, this is a lot deeper than just the stupid car. It's about our relationships in general. Mom and I are close. I respect her. I love her, she's my hero. But I really did work my ass off to earn my privaledges. And there weren't very many privaledged either. I rarely got the car or got to go to my friends' houses. Katy on the other hand...she and Mom don't have the best relationship ever. Quite blutly...Katy treats Mom like shit. I can't believe that Mom actually takes it. I am in disbelief. If I were to talk to Mom like Katy did I'd be grounded for life. Katy completely gets away with it. It completely and totally sucks. It's not fair to Mom--she shouldn't put up with it, but she does. It's sick. And Katy gets to do whatever she wants pretty much whenever she wants. If she doesn't she throws a fit and completely loses her temper. She has "anger management issues" (to quote Kelly Osbourne). Seriously. And now she has her own car? I don't understand the dynamics of our relationships I think. Me and Mom get along good...and I get nada benefits. Katy and Mom don't get along...and she gets everything? It's not supposed to work like that right? Should I take comfort in the idea of karma--what goes around comes around?? I don't know. It just doesn't seem really fair to me.

And yes, I understand that Katy is trying to be different from me. But she's a heinous wench. She really is. She is an ungrateful little bitch sometimes. It's disgusting. She hollers at me and Mom and stomps around the house and totally flies off the handle at the drop of a hat. She inheritted Dad's temper--isn't it sweet? The best example I can think of just happened a month ago. Sugar Ray was coming here. I LOVE them. They rock. And I'm in NAE, the group that was bringing them to campus. And Katy BEGGED me to get her tix and see if I could get her backstage. She was like "I'll love you forever. You're the coolest sister. I LOVE YOUUU! Just please please PLEEAAZZEE get me backstage?" So I pulled some stings and I got her permission to hang out behind the scenes the entire day of the concert. Pretty much complete access to something not many people get to see. And THEN the weekend before the concert she was like "I changed my mind. I'm not coming. I never really wanted to come. I don't really like the band. I was never excited to come, it's sooo not a big deal to be backstage or be at the concert. Sugar Ray sucks." Just like that. She didn't even consider all the trouble me and Bob went through to get her access to be in the arena during set-up and soundcheck. And she didn't come. BUT the day of the concert--after I sold her ticket and informed the group (NAE not Sugar Ray) that she wasn't coming--Mom called me and said that Katy had changed her mind and wanted to come. Brahahaha. Guess what? I had talked to her the night before and she said she wasn't going to change her mind. So I assumed her to be true. And I went to the concert and I worked my butt off and the concert kicked ass. And I didn't get the message that Mom had called until 1:30 in the morning--well after it was over. That's what she gets for being such an inconsiderate bitch! ::evil laugh:: Serves her right.

Alright I feel better after bitching. Seriously, Katy is a heinous wench sometimes. It's just gross. She really needs to get an attitude adjustment. I'm surprised that her friends haven't abandoned her because of it. Oh well, it's her problem not mine. I'm gonna go and take a nappy nap. I'm tired--really really tired. I feel like I could conk out right here. So concludes another episode of Krissy's World. Until next time...Ciao, dahling! Mwah!


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