Just Gotta Have Faith-a-faith-a-Faith [ July 22, 2004, 12:15 pm ]

I have foot issues today. (Haha--I just spelled today t-o-a-d-y. Toady! Haha.) First off, my left foot is swelling still. it's not really bruised, but I'm still a gimp. I feel so. dumb. I want to be better. But it hurts. And I look like I have an elephant foot. Stupid klumsiness. Rawr.

And my left foot is also itchy. Is there some kind of superstition about this? Like is it a sign of some kind? Hmm.

And now I have the chills. I'm in great condition today. Grr.

I really desire to just go back to bed. For, like forever. I just didn't want to get up today. I don't really know why. Usually 7 hours makes me feel a little refreshed. Not so much the case today. I did manage to drag my duff out of bed and make waffles though. By "make" I mean pop the waffles in the toaster and then pour syrup on them. Whoever invented frozen waffles is my new hero. I'm addicted to them. Mmm...lots of waffles with butter and syrup soaking into them. Oh yes.

The waffles have been the highlight of my day so far. That's a little sad.

Life is so randomly amazing sometimes. I say that a lot, but it's reiterated to me a lot.

Last night and yesterday I was all mopey about relationships. Truthfully, I still am a little. But I realize that I just have to keep the faith and something good has to happen for me. I'll make something happen if I need to.

That wasn't the point. The point of me mentioning that was that I was talking with one of the ladies in my office. From this point on I solemnly swear that I will never EVER complain about my stupid little issues ever again. While I'm bitching about boys, this woman is preparing to go into surgery to reconstruct and repair her ovarian region. I'm almost fighting back tears as I write this because I'm so scared for her. She's been told it's common and she has nothing to worry about, but that doesn't relieve the worry and the fear at all. And she's only in her 30s. She has a husband and kids. I know she'll be fine, but it really just helped to rip me from my stupid little fantasy realm and bring me back to the real world.

Damn, the real world sucks sometimes.

It also just makes me think about life, too. About how unfair it truly can be. This woman is so wonderful and she's suffering. Some of my other friends are going through shit that they don't deserve to go through. I know that I've had my fair share of tiny tragedies. Then there are people who just cavort around, making other lives miserable and their lives are as fabulous as they can get. The best example I can think of is my stepmom. I'm pretty sure she's dead now, but for a long time she made my family's lives a living hell while she got the family fortune.

Chrissy was complaining that life is too hard. (It's actually quite the entertaining rant when you get both of us going.) It's true, it is. And right now I'm struggling emotionally. And there's all of these things going through my head that I need to sort through. (My goal is to figure some stuff out by my bday in 6 days--let's see how well that goes.) But even with all of this, this shit that's swirling around me, I'm positive that it'll all be ok. It always is.

Like I said, I have to keep the faith. And maybe kick a little ass while I'm at it. Because maybe that truly is the only way to get what I need.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "DtLA" by Gary Jules (I need to get this cd)

Crush du Jour: John Mayer because of the song "love soon"

Happy Thought of the Moment: cold water, waffles, upcoming bday, new dvd, painkillers

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