So cold, so sleepy [ July 23, 2004, 12:02 am ]

Foot update: it still hurts. It's still swollen. I'm still limping. That is all.

Highlights of the Krissy-Em Community night of fun, where we watched A League of Their Own outside (Yes, in 47 degree weather.):

- coldness. We had two blankets...that was it. Did I mention that the blankets were thin?

- jail-bait Abercrombie guys in front of us. When I say "in front" of us, I mean Hello! 15 year-old ass two inches from Em's face. We couldn't stop laughing. Because really we're hormonal seven-year-olds.

- quotes. LOTS of quotes. I think the teeny-boppers were annoyed. This is me caring for half a second.

It was cool because one of the producers from the film spoke before it was shown. She was a member of the Women's Baseball League in the 40s so she served as a consultant as well as a producer/catch-all/whatever for League. I was impressed.

She kept mentioning Madonna. By the time I'd shrieked the fourth time, I realized that I'm more massively obsessed than ever. I've always loved Madonna. But seeing her in concert....that cemented my love for her. It sounds psycho I know. But I realize that she's a goddess. I respect her so much more after seeing her in concert.

And I'm depressed because it's over. It was my build-up of the summer. And it's done. Over. Finito. I'm honestly surprised that I didn't cry when I realized this fact. Maybe I'm still a bit in denial.

At least I had an amazing time. And I have a kick ass scrapbook documenting it! Except for the whole sprain thing.

I think I need more pink pills....

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out my RockStar Fantasy To: Boy Meets World--one I haven't seen before! Woo!

Crush du Jour: none really

Happy Thought of the Moment: hoodies, cute boys, strawberry slushies, Red Lobster, seeing the fam this weekend, my bday soon, League, junk food

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