Empowerment is very....um, empowering [ June 14, 2004, 11:33 pm ]

Amanda and I had a great revelation last night. We were sitting around griping about guys (because, really, this is what we do best when we're in foul moods), when we had an epiphany. We both are artsy, we both are outspoken, we both love to inspire and we both certainly have lackluster love lives. Why not help to inspire others?

Because of this charming epiphany, we've decided to compile a book of essays about our experiences. Are tentative motto/vision statement states that we both have survived and thrived through some cruddy boy moments and we have the ability to laugh at it now, so why not share our voices with the world?

We don't know how we'll, um, have money to publish the book, but if anything we can always just compile our essays and have copies for ourselves. Or we can print off copies from CopyMax, like my dear friend Melissa did. Either way, we are totally doing this.

The title I came up with tonight was Our Love-lives...or Lack Thereof. I like alliteration. Plus it's fresh and fun. I think. I may be a little biased.

I'm totally inspired. It's funny, I'd been kind of writing and re-writing essays in my head for a couple of months. This gives me incentive to put them on paper and really channel my voice. This is a great opportunity for me.

And Manda's really excited too. She started thinking of titles for her essays, which inspired me to think of some topics/titles for my essays.

- Confessions from the Author: about me and how I've had a lack of relationships thus far in my life. Yeah.

- My Life as a Modern Fairy Tale Goddess: where I realize that fairy tales are crap, but it doesn't mean I have to disenchanted

- Call-Hell isn't as Fun as It Sounds: self-explanatory

- My Mr. Right Will Probably Love Pink More than Me: aka my life as a fruit fly

- Go On--Express Yourself: why guys should express their emotions and thoughts and why the ones who do are the only ones worth my time

- Baby Got Back: why I'll never be a supermodel or date guys who want me to conform to those kinds of standards

- Divorces Isn't the Worst Thing in the World: my quasi-serious essay about how it's made me who I am and why this is certainly for the best

- The Almost Girl: my experience has held that I meet and fall for guys right before they meet their first or next or greatest love--like I'm some twisted unpublished Andersen fairy tale character.

- Liquor and Hormones Don't Mix--Why Guys Shouldn't Drink: about my bar experiences and the special powers of a low-cut tank top.

- Meet Captain Air-Guitar: how my seven-year-old alter-ego helps me to understand boys better than anything else in my 21 years ever could.

- None of the Above: my love life really is a multiple-choice test where the options all suck. (Especially effective because of small-town living.)

Yeah...definitely inspired. And tired out.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Reno 911

Crush du Jour: Bacardi CoCo Rum (mmmmm)

Happy Thought of the Moment: feeling inspired, inspiring others, payday SOON, Chicago plans, toast, breakfast, Entertainment Weekly, this newest project, feeling crafty, new sheets, freshly clean laundry

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