Diamonds now Remain [ December 07, 2003, 11:11 pm ]

All I want is McDonalds. That is all that I can think about right now. Mc. Donaaaalds. Mc. Donaaaalds. Chicken nuuuuuggets. Freeeench fries.

Fucking-A, I am starving.

And so very highly un-motivated to study right now. I have a final at two tomorrow, but I'm so not feeling the study vibe.

I think that if I partook of the McDonalds goodness that I would be motivated to study. Mwahaha.

GOD I need FOOD.

But I'm to lazy to drag my ass there myself. Which is the entire problem. KiKi wants food. KiKi doesn't want to drive. KiKi doesn't want to lose her parking spot. KiKi needs to stop talking in third person.


I am now a whiny 4-year-old. I stomp my foot at everything.

This is so sad. I really cannot think of anything except food. And the fact that I have to write up 2 concert reviews for my Music in Society class. Boo.

Watch me be highly un-motivated.

Note: if you see two or three surveys posted in here tonight, you'll know that my procrastinating, one-track mind has gotten the best of me. Again.

I LOVE Howie Day. His Australia cd is honestly the top cd in my player these days. That's right--he has managed to surpass my beloved John Mayer. *gasp-ed* ( least for the moment.)It's an amazing amazing cd.

Muchas gracias to all my friends who called or messaged me earlier today after sensing my moody state. I love you all, your all fabulous. In case you're concerned, I feel ten million times better now. I took a long drive, blared a favorite cd and just thought about stuff.

I came to the conclusion that sometimes even the best of friends get annoyed with each other--especially in tense times like the holidays and finals. It doesnt' mean that that love isn't there anymore, it just means that it may be better to step off for a bit. As for the feeling excluded-ness of before, I accept that there are some topics that I know absolutely zilch about. That doesn't mean that I can't be educated. And if worse comes to worse I'll just sit there and make bored-ass-bitch faces until the topic turns to something within my wide range of expertise. And I know that I can be annoying and too loud and too klutzy and all that good shit. What it boils down to is self-love and the fact that no matter what I am always my own best friend, NOT my own worst enemy.

I love clarity.

Gaah--I'm still hungry.

Ok, I'm gonna do finals shit. Boo. Wish me luck. And go get me McDonalds chicken nuggets while you're at it. Thankyousomuch.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: track #6 on the Australia cd

Crush du Jour: Ronald McDonald--I want nuggets dammit!

Happy Thought of the Moment: food, great party pix from Friday, bowling, HAC shirts, successful auction, doing shiznit, DONE with study logs for a bit, talking to mommy, chex mix, scrapbooking, sleep, caffeine, Midol

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