Decorating Adventures [ July 26, 2004, 9:54 pm ]

2 broken light bulbs

A huge mess in my living room

Lots of sweat (I smell now)

A few more bruises (my foot officially hurts again)

A VERY messy bedroom


My bedroom is becoming decorated.

Granted, I have no lightbulbs and therefore no light in my room to truly admire the new decorations in my room. But it's getting there. Hurrah!

Ok, so really I only framed the Serendipity poster and my Madonna concert poster. But they look good. They look even better now that they're hanging on my wall.

That was where all the crap started happening. The stupid hooks don't like to do their job and actually hook the toothy-thingys on the poster frames.

As I was trying to hang the movie poster I lost my balance and knocked over my lamp. Note: this is the ONLY light in my bedroom. The lightbulb, um,died. I then burned my hand trying to take it out of the socket.

Once I hunted down a new lightbulb (so I just took one out of my living room lamp--so?), I burned my hand again taking it out of the living room socket. Shiiit. My hand hurts. But! I had light again.

And the first hook worked. One poster up.

The second poster was harder to hang because I had to figure out distance and shit like that so it looked easy and happy on the eye. Yeah, whatever.

Trying to hang it--not a fun thing. I twisted my ankle trying to eye the hook and poster tooth to get them to connect. I toppled over and took the lamp with me. Lightbulb #2--RIP.

At this point I tried moving the nightstand to get a better angle to hang the damn poster. The stand nearly broke, and so did the lamp. Gaah. I'm not destined to be an interior decorator.

I'm in the dark, the furniture is rearranged and I just want to get the poster up.

I'm not impressed at this point.

After stumbling over the nightstand again, I finally triumphed over the elements.

Go me.

It's my night. I'll just ignore all the crap that happened to make it my night. That and the fact that when I was making juice to celebrate my new decorations, the cannister blew up and juice got all over the counter.

This is god's way of telling me to mix and drink and watch This is Spinal Tap.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Reno 911

Crush du Jour: John Stamos

Happy Thought of the Moment: groceries--lots of groceries, bday in one day, one hour and 51 minutes (it's 10:09 right now), being domestic-like, funny quotes, Entertainment Weekly, getting mail, icy cold water

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