Crush List (Whatta Buncha Winners, Folks!) [ June 26, 2002, 8:01 pm ]

Quick entry before I go and veg for the night.....

My foot is killing me! I don't know what I did to it when I performed my little feat of stupidity this morning, but whatever I did to it, I did hardcore cuz it just won't stop throbbing. It sucks. And I don't think it helps that I had to mow the lawn either. I don't have the luxery of a riding mower. Noooo--my mom likes to torture me and Katy by making us mow our gargantuan lawn with a teeny mower. Oh well. At least I got fresh air and exercise outta it. And the bugs didn't bother me either! Sweet!

Katy's little boy toy came home today. She was way too giddy about that. Now she can see though what's gonna happen to their relationship since she confessed how she feels. This bet cannot be over yet! I haven't had a chance!! This weekend.....

Yeah I'm figuring it all out tonight--what I'm gonna say, when, how, all that good stuff. Mel wants to help. That's a good thing. She has a good feeling about this. At least one of us does. Actually that's not true. The more I think about it, the more hopeful I become that this could actually happen and that I could live happily ever after with Mr. Crush, or at least have a great relationship with him. But I've also thought that before about the guys that I've liked, and look what's happened there--let's recap quickly, shall we?

I won't go too far back into the past, just the past 5 years..........

~Gus: K, he was a nice guy, but if you asked Em about him, she'd double over laughing. Sweet, but very nerdy and dorky. I wrote him a note professing my feelings. Nothing happened...I'm thinking that is for the best though.

~Todd: senior year, one of my good friends. Actually gave him a flower and TOLD him. Nada. Actually, nobody is quite sure about the status of his sexuality, so it may not be me.

~J: Oh, I've talked about HIM before. He's the one I asked out, then figured out was ohsovery dorky. Yeah.........Nuff said there.

~Jonathan: lol--my "soulmate." Right. Funny guy, but kinda dorky. Also tends to be kind of very catty and two-faced if you say or do the wrong thing to him. Status of his sexuality is un-confirmed also. I think he's gay, my gay friends think he's gay, my straight friends think he's gay. Nobody really knows.

That's just a quick run-down of how my lovelife has been. Pretty sad, huh? Not that it really matters too much to me because I am soooo chaotically busy and have tons of friends. Like I've said before--being in love is a fabulous idea. I really DO want to be in love. I'm just also preparing myself for the possibility of (yet another) rejection. So I'm hopeful, but also am being realistic. Cuz with my luck nothing may happen.

Dude, I'm SUCH a downer! That sucks. Usually I'm Miss Perky-Optimistic. I guess nobody's that way all the time though. I'm gonna jet. I wanna watch "Almost Famous" then go to sleep. I get to work at 7 AM. Joy.

Ciao, dahling!


Living Out My Rockstar Fantasy To: Umm...not music. I WISH I had music on. Instead my mom is watching this horribly, graphically violent movie "The Rich Man's Wife." I'm NOT impressed with it. (Sidenote--Halle Berry is soooo pretty. Grr. Em, let's put her on our "list." heh heh)

Crush Du Jour: Jimmy Fallon

Happy Thought of the Moment: Root beer floats, cool summer evenings, the 4th Harry Potter book, going to Marquette, Stitch, good hair, new friends, and non-confusing, non-icky movies

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