Foot not Happy [ June 26, 2002, 1:32 pm ]

My foot hurts. This sucks sooo bad. It won't stop throbbing. Ok, so I was chillin' in my bed this morning, reading "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" (I WILL finish this before I go to Marquette this weekend. Really. It's size does not scare me in the least.) when I heard the phone ring. And since people are rude and don't like to leave messages on our machine I decided to try to be SuperWoman and grab the phone before the machine picked up.

So I fly from my room, bound into the living, and skid across the carpet. My foot ends up tangled in a stray WalMart bag that I've left lying around. This in turn makes my foot twist and contort into a weird position. AGONY REIGNS. My foot is dying. I was nearly in tears because of this.

The kicker? I grab the phone. It turns out to be Katy's clingy and annoying friend. I yell at her and just hang up. My foot still hurts. =(

In other news: My grandma is now a resident of a nursing home. It's for the best. But it was heart-breaking to watch my mom struggle and come to terms with it yesterday. I came home from work and she was on the phone fighting back tears. Then I went to get the mail and I came back and her eyes were all swollen and red like she'd just had a quick cry. It hurts to see her like this. She's doing better now. But I know she's hurting. And it is so frustrating to know that I can't really do anything to help her. I just have to be there for her if she wants comfort or support.

Ooops--my bad. I brought groceries in from mom's huge food spree (out kitchen has like zip amounts of food right now) and apparently I put the cake down upside down. My bad!

Ummm...nothing else is really occurring in my life. Life is boring for the goddess right now. *small grin* I suppose I can get off-line, get dressed and do some cleaning. Wheee--garbage day. Fun abounds in my house. Wish me luck in my cleaning excursion!

Ciao, dahling!


Living Out My Rockstar Fantasy To: "Flavor of the Week" by American Hi-Fi (sidenote: I wanted to see them in concert when they were in Houghton soooo bad! =/)

Crush Du Jour: Jack from "Port Charles--I'm in love with him--MARRY MEEE!!!

Happy Thought of the Moment: Fresh fruit and my new friend Dee--hey grrrrl!!! *hugs*

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