Excited? Maybe a little! [ July 11, 2004, 11:33 pm ]

I think I just ate the most fattening popcorn EVER. Microwave butter and then I heated up more butter for it. And added salt. I am such a pig.

But it was yummy. Very yummy.

I just saw a commercial on AMC for this reality show. Yes, AMC now has reality shows. More for me to get addicted to. This one is called something like Into Character or something. I want to be on this show. I want to pretend I'm Elle Woods during the trial scene at the end. Or Lizzie in Italy performing at the awards ceremony. Or the Spice Girls during their Milan scene. Oh gaaaawd. The possibilities are endless. Oh yes.

I have been Miss Productivity today. I woke up at 11, went back to sleep at 1, but since 3, I've been really productive.

Today I....

- found Joe his bday gift. I decided to make him a Diva kit with the Bad Girls Guide to Getting What you Want, a mini voodoo kit, a black book (that I decorated) and a mix cd. This? Yeah--it took a LOT of thought and effort. My brain hurts.

- cooked spaghetti. Or, um, heated up spaghetti sauce that my mom gave. But the noodles were all me!

- entertained Em and Amanda. Spaghetti and Ever After make for good girly moments.

- did two--TWO!!!--loads of laundry. I have clean clothes!

- made a kick-ass mix cd entitled "In a Fuck'd-Up Mood." I love it.

- cleaned the apartment. For real. It's clean! Emily almost had a heart attach. Really. It's clean. I'm so proud.

- vaccuumed. For the first time since I moved in. The carpet looks amazing. Woo woo!

- made the mix cd and black book for Joe's gift.

- gave myself a manicure and pedicure--hell, I deserve it.

I still need to do dishes and pack for Chicago, but I'm gonna wake up around 9 tomorrow to accomplish that. Packing won't take too long. Ishould probably clean my room a bit too.

Like I'll want to. I'm heading to fucking CHI. CA. GO.


In 18 hours I'll be nearly there. And in less than 3 days I'll be seeing my idle in concert.



I gotta breath.

I gotta sleep.

But I was productive today! Go me!

Oh--I had fun at home too. I'm so over Chassell. And I feel old. My littlest cousin is now 14. The little boy terror I used to babysit is now going into 10th grade. Yup, I'm old.

And I got a stunning sunburn on my right arm. It hurts. Aloe vera is my bestest friend. I have the most hideous farmer tan right now. Very un-urban and un-city-like. Gaah.

But who cares? I'm going to Chicagooooo!!


Ok, I'm shutting up now.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Lizzie McGuire

Crush du Jour: Ethan Craft ("and Ethan...he saw a cloud shaped like a donkey and ran right into a tree.")

Happy Thought of the Moment: Chicago! Chicago!Chicago!Chicago!!! And! mom's spaghetti, friends, fun presents, new purse, aloe vera, seeing old friends, strawberry shortcake, Lizzie, cheap DVDs, yummy popcorn, clean laundry, my fun vaccuum, seeing mommy, fishbowls, great pizza

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