Is it 4:30 yet? [ July 09, 2004, 9:56 am ]

When the office computer decides to screw me over and lock me out of the batch I'm filing, I decide it's time for a mini-Krissy break.

This includes an over-filled donut, no stupid work on my computer screen and the wonderful song stylings of John Mayer. (Oooh OOOH oooh)

My life is too fabulous for words sometimes.

This works out perfectly because really, I don't feel like working. I've been here for an hour and I've zoned out a good four times already. I think I'm on Cali time. Which means I should still be in bed. Yeah, that is an excellent theory.

So President Bush is coming to Marquette.

That is the most random thing I've ever said. But ponder that for a moment.

I can't believe it. What's really a tragedy is that I will be shopping the day away in Chicago when Bushy-man is here. So sad. If I were here I'd totally join all the hippies in the protests that are sure to be prominent by Lakeview Arena. Not that I'm a hippy or even really care too much for them, but it'd be better than listening to Bush talk about his plans for our great nation. Because really, I probably have better plans for our great nation than him. And at least when I speak people don't get this overwhelming urge to drive pointy pencils through their ears.

Damn that was a good donut.

I found out last night that Amanda and I are spending the night at my house tonight. This was news to me. My house, meaning in my stunning hometown of Chassell. My mom isn't privy to this information yet. I assumed Manda and I would stay with her friend in Houghton and drink the night away. That's not looking like the case anymore. Not that I mind, I'm just amused at how plans have changed.

I'm even more amused at how my mother will react when I inform her that I'm returning home and she has sheer hours to clean before I get there. That'll be gold.

It's almost my official vacation. I don't look or feel excited, but I am. I don't think it's fully sunk in yet that I have an entire 10 days away from the office. No scanning, no shredding, no filing, no indexing, nothing. Just me! Doing what I want. (And, um, what Brett and Joe and Erin want to.) Yay for that. Mmm.

Ok, my mini-vacation needs to end. I need to look productive so the other office people will miss me and my go-get-em ass.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "New Deep" by John Mayer

Crush du Jour: Alan Cumming

Happy Thought of the Moment: almost vacay, strawberry fest, fishbowls, Fiji water, Sheer Brunette shampoo (it smells like chocolate!!!), my new haircut, good lotion, fun dreams, double stuf oreos, chocolate, extra strength Tylenol, my girly cd mix

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