I gotta breath [ July 12, 2004, 11:08 am ]

Ooooh Lord.

Oooohhh lord!

I'm leaving in an hour! AN HOUR!!

I'm so excited I can't eat. I can't do anything. I'm too fidgety. I don't feel like cleaning anymore or cooking breakfast. And I'll all packed....pretty much.

So I'll just sit here and, um, not do anything. Except watch MTV.

Which, by the way, Christina Milan is a skank. Rolling around in the mud in skintight leather does not constitute "growing up." If it does I shall be a child forever. I figure she probably did the skank video to show how "mature" she is. Bullshit. She looks skanky. She looks like a ho.

I'm getting off of my soapbox now. That was just what I thought when I was watching "dip it low" earlier. That song sucks. You can't dance to it and it's all about pleasing your man. Not my idea of a good time. I think it sets femenism back about 73 years. Gaah.

Ok, I'm shutting up.

Happy thoughts. Happyyyyy.

Did I mention I'm heading to Chicago in an hour? Wooo!

And I'm not broke. God bless my savings account. This is what I've been working for all summer. Oh god, I'm SO excited.

HAHA--I love VH1. They have Pamela Anderson: A to Z on right now. I adore the comedians they get to comment on these things. They are so hilarious. I aspire to be like that.

Ok, I should be construtive. yeah right.

Au revoir for the week! Have a fabulous week, I'll miss you all. Don't miss me too much! Mwah!

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: VH1

Crush du Jour: Madonna!! EEEE!!

Happy Thought of the Moment: CHICAGO!!!!! CHICAGO!!!!!

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