Cavort Cavort [ November 07, 2003, 11:23 am ]

If there was ever an un-motivated moment in my life this moment would be it. No joke. I suddenly just want to sprawl out on my couch under my favorite pink blankie and listen to this cd. And that's it. I'll ignore the messy room and the fact that I must run to the bank and the fact that I'm supposed to go to Erin's house today to bake tons and tons of bread.

Actually....if I went to the bank I'd ergo have money. And that is good. And baking would channel my inner Betty Crocker/Martha Stewart that's been screaming to get out. no--I just want to sprawl on my couch.

Forever and ever amen.

I also need to buy my mommy a birthday gift and send that out before the day is up. Gaah-ness erupts in KiKi-Land.

And I have this massive urge to buy a picture frame. Since Wednesday night. I think it's cuz I saw my boss's new frame and now I'm all frame-envious. How dorky am I?

So now I feel the need to go to Kohls and spend an hour scouring the frame department. If that were to happen I could also get a zippy sweater thingy though too. Heyyyy....this really could be a good good day.

Last night was so so soooo weird. I saw Mr. Bartender. Mostly because my friend dragged me to his bar to have "evening-capper" drinks. That was a bunch of bullshit because I ended up drinking both of our rum and cokes. Gaah. And Mr. Bartender ignored me. I have so given up hope there. Grr.

Then I get home and I have messages from Sean begging me to come to the movies--he was trying to play peace-maker between me and Joe. He's so cute. And it worked. Me and Joe are made up. Yayness! I still think we need to just go to a coffeehouse for like 3.5 hours and just talk about everything though.

So we went and saw Scary Movie 3. Yeah, I was kinda disappointed in it, but whatever. The others enjoyed it. Then we cavorted around town and talked and cavorted and talked and cavorted until like 3 in the morning.

Good times.

The funniest episode was at Taco Bell. We got there at like quarter to one in the morning--they close at one. There was a massive line at the drive-thru, so we edge our way in. And waited for like 15 minutes patiently. I didn't want Taco Bell, I wanted hot dog man. Hehe. But we were waiting. Then, right before the car ahead of us pulled up, they shut off all the lights to the drive-thru and ignored the car in front of us.

This pissed Joe off to no end, so he pulled around to the window. I guess the car in front of us was pissed, too, because they were waiting. They hollered at the window person, Joe gave them a verbal lashing twice. The lady was SO rude. She slammed the window in our face and hollered at us. She said they were out of food. Riiiiight. They're fucking stocked with enough food to last them until Jesus comes--they fucking Taco Bell for crying out loud.

Joe was so irked that he got the corporation phone number and called them. Then Sean called. Then I called.

Sweet revenge!


I feel like I'm back in 8th grade. Mwahaha.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasty To: "Rain" by Madonna (on my Enchanted--the Pop Mix cd)

Crush du Jour: John Mayer, Howie Day

Happy Thought of the Moment: evening drinks, Red Lobster, cup coming out well, the color pink, boy-ish sweaters, this mix I'm listening to, kick ass boots, new friends, reuniting and making up, good hair days, not being waken up by a vaccuum, SpiceWorld on DVD, Border Grill, picture frame shopping, talking to mommy, registration week almost being over (thank GOD)

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