BAM! [ November 09, 2003, 11:46 pm ]

I want Bam Margera. I want to jump a boy who is named Bam. For some reason, this really does not faze me, for he is hot. And the fact that he does all this crazy-hilarious stuff for shits and giggles makes me want to jump him even more.

Stop laughing.

We all have interesting crushes. At least this one's famous and not an uber-dork like some of my infamous others. Gaah.

Let's not even go there.

I've decided that I have a new pet peeve. Girls, you'll all be able to relate with me on this one:

Boys who think they have game.

You know who I'm talkin' about. We all know at least one:

The guys who will chase after anything with boobs. The guys who if they can't get one girl, they'll immediately start eyeing another. The guys who will only only only talk about girls like it's their area of expertise, when in all reality they wouldn't know what a woman likes if they themselves had a pussy.

Oh yeah. They think they're cool. But they're so not.

I wish those guys would just wake up one morning and realize that they had no dicks. Then what would they do? heh heh.

The sad part is that I know like at least a good half dozen guys like this. But the one that's really bugging me at the moment used to be my friend. He now pretends I don't exist because I called out his "player" act. Whatever. Someone is immature. And this is one time where it's not me. Woohoo!

Feels good to get that offa my chest.

I love how therapeutic this journal is.

I realized today that I'm over 500 entries! Go me! I really am not that high though cuz some of my earlier entries are crap surveys and quiz results (that no longer show up, natch), though. So yeah. Yaay for (fake) 500. I'm gonna weed out some entries when I get the time, but it feels good to have that many.

Oh SWEEEEEEEEEEEET. Viva La Bam is on. Good God I want to marry him. He's HOT. Mmmm.

(Joe laughed at me when I just told him about my fixation. "Who don't you think is hot?" I think a lot of people aren't hot, thankyouverymuch--like all the guys on campus and Vin Diesel and any MTV rapper. Yeah. There's a lot of ugly guys in my book. I just choose to fixate on the ones I think are hot.)

Damn I'm babbling. Oh well. This is my break from working on my bulletin boards. Adam sweetly informed me less than 2 hours ago that our boards are due by 5 tomorrow because we're touring the building during the staff meeting. Greaaat. I wish my boards (yes--PLURAL) were by my room, it'd be so much easier to just talk out the door, do-doop-do do my thing and be done. But I gotta lug my ass down to the office, back up to my room, blah blah, over and over and then out towards the lobby to finish my boards. And I have 2 or 3 to do each time. Which comes with the territory, but it kind of sucks when I hold myself to a high standard of being really really creative and attentive and detailed with each board. I dazzle. For sure. I'm dazzling on time constraints this time, though. Go me.

I am a goddess.


And someday Bam will realize this and marry me.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Viva La Bam on MTV

Crush du Jour: BAM! BAM! BAAAAAAM!!!!

Happy Thought of the Moment: fun nights with friends, being lazy with Manda, life soundtracks, figuring out the name of that song (When I Get you Alone), fun meetings, cool caller ids, cute frames, adorable little kids, baby smiles, seeing my mommy, Library food, Razztinis, pretty posters, cleaning, Lizzie McGuire, movie previews, Thanksgiving plans, breakfast foods, Pookie, HAC shirts, hand turkeys

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