Opened Up My Eyes Today [ November 05, 2003, 10:26 am ]

This is a great great thing to wake up to:

The Moon in Aries trines with Vesta today, which means that you have a great amount of inner power and passion. This is a perfect time to make that bold leap of faith and find inner freedom. Romantic dreams open up for you, and you are ready to explore the possibilities that blossom for you. The Sun trines with Saturn so this is a good time for you to seek out inner strength and power within. Romantically you may find that fairy tales become real if you find the power to believe. Sometimes the strangest magic works- you just have to listen to what the universe has to say.

I love daily horoscopes, especially ones that are as fabulous as this.

Add that to the fact that I'm feeling like ten hundred times better today than yesterday (for like ten hundred reasons...) and I KNOW I'm gonna have an amazing day.

Unless my classmates don't like my story today. Gaah.


Wish me luck!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy to: the Heavier Things cd--perfect for slowy and sleepily waking up in the morning, for when you're not in a rush

Crush du Jour: Wade Robson

Happy Thought of the Moment: Panini, real friends, good poems, being registerred for classes, food in general, cute pix, waking up to John Mayer's wonderful voice, funky hair, starting the Copa paint project, pretty colors, Finding Nemo, SPICE WORLD ON DVD (AHHHH! Thanks Em! *grin*)

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