Happy 1st Anniversary!!!!! [ April 07, 2003, 1:49 pm ]

Happy birrrrthday....to me! Happy birrrrthday--to me! Ok, so really it's the 1st bday of my online diary here, but still--it's definitely a reason to celebrate. I didn't think that I'd be able to keep it up for this long, that it'd still bring me great joy to write in here and share my thoughts and feeling. But it does. Hurraaah! Yay for diaryland and for goddesskiki!

Viva la Kiki!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sitting here waiting for Computer class to start. I swear to GOD that my teacher hates me. He's hollered at me twice last week. Once because my color ink cartridge was out so it only printed the black writing. And last Wednesday I handed in my assignments before I left for the week--we were ALWAYS allowed to hand in assignments before we left. Ummm...not Wednesday. He looked at me like I was morphing into an alien and yelled at me saying "you KNOW you have to turn these in before class RIGHT?" Gaah. I hate mean professors. He shouldn't hate me. I've done nothing to him. What a prick.

My nose hurts today. It's slightly red too. That may have to do with the fact that there's dry skin around my left nostril area, so I was trying to get rid of it. BAD IDEA. I think I may have fucked with the nose-stud's chi. Not cool. I'll appease it after this god-forsaken class. *holds up right hand* I solemnly swear to not touch my nose ever again unless it's to cleanse the hallowed nose pierced area.


Grr--I hate this class. It's easy but I hate it. And I don't wanna be here. I should've skipped. Gaah.

Oh happiness--this stupid final isn't comprehensive. Yay yay yay!

Umm...where is Adam? Class has officially started and he ain't here. Not cool. Oooh he just showed up. Happiness.

I got this new hair gunk yesterday. It's this got-2-b hair gluey stuff. I was like "oooh new hair junk!" when I saw it. And it was cheap so I HAD to have it, cuz I'm a hair product dork like that. It's exactly like glue--texture wise. My hands almost stuck together. And water alone can't wash it out. Lucky hands of mine. :p

The smell of it though--OHMYGOD. I smell like a cheap frat kegger. It's horrid. It smells soooo bad. I smell like a walking street bum. Gaah. Davide' thinks it smells like peach schnapps. Which is better than smelling like a kegger I suppose but still--I smell like some sort of lush. Not cool.

I must go for now. More later!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Heaton droning about the fuckin' test we have Wednesday. Oh happy day.

Crush du Jour: Ewan McGregor

Happy Thought of the Moment: Abercrombie lookalikes, dinner with Bob, good convos with my boss, my flamey cup, fun trivia, extra credit, my PR prof Wally, nose-stud, Oliver James, cd burning fun, friends' mixes, being on-air (I WANT my own show now!), Disney movies, Mr. Deeds, staff bonding, good meetings, stuff falling into place for Counting Crows

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