It's Better Than Yours!! [ January 07, 2004, 2:24 am ]

Some late-night/early morning revelations:

Umm...never trust the hair dye box. Never. I wanted deep red hair. What I got was, um, different than that. On the bright side, y'all will have an idea of what color my hair kinda sorta naturally is. Even though that wasn't what I was going for at. All. Like always though, I grow into liking hair colors, so I'm sure this will be the same way. I only wish that I knew what dye I'd used the last time, cuz that color totally kicked ass. Hmmm. Oh well. I'm gonna rock this semi-mysterious-looking look that I'm sporting with this new job.

I am a total sweater whore. I was putting away all my sweaters and for kicks I counted how many sweaters I own. 26. Over two dozen sweaters. That has to be un-natural. Granted I don't wear a few of them, but most of them are in rotation regularly. 10 of them I can't live without and are total favorites. Humm. And half of the sweaters I own are turtle-necks. Which is totally weird considering that I hated turtle-neck anything two years ago.

I can't see straight right now I'm so tired. Meh.

I am more than slightly Stitch obsessed. From my spot on the couch, I count 1..2..3..4..5..6 SIX things relating to Stitch. We won't even get into all the Disney stuff in my room. Ladies and gentlemen: I am 7 years old.

I like Britney's new cd. Shut up. Even the masturbation song is decent. Really. Shut up. It's good cleaning music.

I cleaned for two hours tonight. That was just un-packing (finally) and dusting and straightening up and stuff. I'm not even fully done yet. I'm too tired. There's a corner of stuff that I'm not even gonna deal with tonight because of all the shiny objects. Oooh shiny.....

I think I re-activated my voicemail on my cell phone because of a boy. I have reached a new level of pathetic-ness. But it'll be worth it if anything happens with him. Yay for eternally hopeful-ness.

Baah. I'm tired. I'm gonna jump in bed soon. Orientation starts tomorrow night so I should be well-rested and energetic. The shit thing, though, is that we have to give tours first thing. Which would normally be fine. Except that it's below-zero outside with negative twenty degree wind-chills to boot. This has gotta be some form of abuse or torture. I'm calling the U.N.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Toxic" by the newly-divorced Ms. Spears

Crush du Jour: hummm =)

Happy Thought of the Moment: any warm clothes, realizing I have not one or two but THREE zip-up sweaters to rock, finding the Britney cd, Dr. Pepper, new season of Real World, (for my Hunt girlies:) DAMN RIGHT, new Nalgene bottle--it's pink!, new DVDs, yummy smelling perfume, Body Shop body butter, Stitch, naps, shiny things, a clean room, talking to mom, cut-out cookies

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