Babbling On and On... [ December 11, 2002, 11:44 pm ]

Ahahaha! I just read my sister's diary. Dad knows that she has a boyfriend now. Ahaha--that's awesome! Hehe. Now he can get off my back about NOT having a boyfriend. (Seriously, it's annoying cuz he ALWAYS asks if I'm seeing anybody. Like he cares. And like I want him to know. And if I did, do you think I'd tell him--NOOOO!)

Good job, Katy. Bravo. Yet another thing that Dad is going to question me about when he's busy not asking about me.

Not that I'm bitter or anything.

Like I said before, I'm through caring. I'm through being emotional about my dad.

Yet I have to go visit him before I go home. Cuz Mommy-dearest gave me KATY'S present to give to him. Cuz we all know how much I enjoy playing Middle-Man. "Let's just let Krissy play messenger--she doesn't care. She's conveniant. She has no feeling that'll get hurt by her doing this. Plus she's 5 minutes away. Hurray--we have a messenger."


I'm thinking that I could get another great poem outta this with the way that I'm going right now. Yay!

Ooh! I got the coolest journal the other day. The paper is homemade in Nepal--it's all natural and crunchy-Asian-influenced looking. I love it. It's gonna be my poem journal. Any poem I write that I'm really proud of is goin' in the journal. How faaaabulous! *grin*

So today was supposed to be the day of studying. Cuz I have my Law exam tomorrow. It's not cummulative though, so am I worried? Not really. I probably should be more worried about this exam, but I've been slacking all day. Emily had to force me to study during Head Over Heels--but I did get 3 of the 4 chapters read in that hour and a half. So that was good.

Then I did a study group thang with Erin and Clayton. Yeah...the 3 of us get along so well that we just ended up talking for an hour or so. Clayton was trying to teach us the key points from Chapters 10 and 11, but I nearly fell asleep.

So now I'm trying to cram now. I just spent nearly two hours working on the study guide. And I should look over the chapters again so that I know what to b.s. about on the essay questions tomorrow. Yeah....

See, I'm kinda worried about the exam but not too too stressed. I was more stressed with getting the guide done than with actually studying. Now that it's done, I'm relieved. This is just another test tomorrow. I've gotten B's on the other tests, and I'm thinking I did B-average on my paper (that stupid stupid project), so I'm fairly confident that I'll get a decent grade in the class. I just want a B. I just need a B....

The thing I think I'm most worried about is getting the project grade back. AHH! That's a scary scary thing--what if I didn't do so hot on it? Gaah! Freakin' out over here!

K, I'm done babbling about that. Ahaha--I love Boy Meets World. This show is so funny in a genuine sorta way. It's relatable, but not really cheesy. And it's funny. This is a great show. Disney Channel was so smart to air it. Lala

I should probably go and study. Gaah. I'll be sooo happy when I'm done with this exam tomorrow. It'll be sooo fabulous. Noon tomorrow can't come soon enough! =/

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: SNL on Comedy Central--yay!

Crush du Jour: the same....*grin*

Happy Thought of the Moment: being done with the study guide, yummy soup, homemade bread, Domino's pizza, CinnaStix, presents from residents, seeing my wonderful mentor, getting an A in Leadership, passing PR with a B (EEE! Still quite excited about that), hours at the desk for extra cash, warm winter days, spring-like days, study groups, naps, Head Over Heels, Boy Meets World, Midol, cute pictures, present exchanges, the holidays nearing, the holiday spirit, SNL

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