Boys + Brains = Not True [ November 11, 2003, 12:27 am ]

For many many hundreds of thousands of years, women have tried to figure out what guys are so stupid.

I have just realized the answer:

Because they lack brains. Instead they have dork-molecules that persuade them to think they have logic, when in all reality, they are just acting like dorks.

And this is quite entertaining. And fun, especially when we wise females choose to act like dorks with the opposite sex.

But it's not so good when you fall into the trap of thinking that your guy friends (yes, even the gay ones) have neurons. Because no guys do. They really don't.

That was displayed to me tonight in a stunning matter as Joe tried to convince me to call a guy. I don't do that. I live in my own world, where I know I'm fabulous and if a guy can't realize that and make the first move then he's so obviously not for me. Joe can't comprehend this. Well he wouldn't:

a.) because he's a gay man with like 6.73 gabillion prospects to choose from every waking moment of his day and

b.) he doesn't have a brain because he is...a guy.

I have a solution for dealing with this new-found idea of mine. I shall become a nun. I enjoy this idea. I enjoy entertaining this idea. I could totally ladle soup to the homeless and dazzle them with my smile and pure spirit. I could sing praises in the choir and cavort around the gorgeous cathedrals with my nun-ish cohorts. It'd be fabulous. And best of all I wouldn't have to deal with dork-brained boys. (yay-squared!)

Joe couldn't comprehend this. At all. Poor him.

Too bad for me that he decided to call Mr. Bartender and tell him that if he didn't call me I'd marry Jesus. Gaah.

I'm now convinced more than ever that boys don't have brains.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "I Can't Wait" by Nu Shooz--woohooo! for early 90s music!!!!!!

Crush du Jour: umm, do I really want a crush after discovering this new theory of mine? Yeah...Mr. Bartender. Gaah.

Happy Thought of the Moment: smart girls, my new theory, good poetry, hugs, fun fun fun meetings, ice water, popcorn (but not in my hair), comfy sweaters, nice days (at least for here), Tech bashing, John Mayer in 18 days, talking to my mommy, Christmas countdown, shiny nail polish, great SPS scores, easy Mac, clean room, puppies, Howie Day, this song that I keep hitting on repeat, Groove Mix

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