My Grown-Up Christmas List 2004 [ December 24, 2004, 3:00 pm ]

Crazy--it's Christmas Eve already. I'm feelin' a little short-changed because I haven't gotten as much into the holidays this year as in years past. Maybe it was because of the stress of the dirt class or my Bitchy McBitch ex-roommate or the million things on my to-do list before I had to accomplish before I came home for the holidays. Whatever it was, I didn't start feeling all giddy about Christmas until, like, now. Looking at the tree and thinking of the presents and just spending time with my family. Then tonight, going to hear the Christmas story at church by candlelight--this is really what it's all about. I adore it.

And so, though it may be a little late, I present to you:

My Grown-Up Christmas List

* my credit card bill paid off

* a 14 to 21-day spa cruise in the Carribbean

* a trip to Europe to see cathedrals and castles

* a night with Jimmy Fallon (and/or John Mayer, Jake Gyllenhaal, Jude Law...)

* a good job after I graduate in May

* to always have fabulous friends like I have now

* a karaoke system

* Bush out of office (this is my wish-list after all, dammit!)

* to have my mom not worry about monetary issues anymore...and for her to get healthy and not stress (sigh)

* to get in shape

* a pet penguin

* ...or a cute little dog (little is the key word here)

* a whirlwind trip to New York City and Vegas

* peace of mind that my family and friends are happy and healthy

Merry Christmas, everyone! Much love!


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