This survey took way too long [ July 20, 2004, 10:46 am ]

1. What is the geekiest part of your music collection?

I think a lot of my music is dorky. My Disney cds, especially, but they're so fun to sing along to.

2. What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?

I enjoy double stuf oreos or ice cream. Cold cereal is also high on my list of happy late-night snacks. Ooh! And cinnamon toaster strudels rock my world. Oh yes.

3. What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?

Moulin Rouge always makes me cry. So does Love Actually. But really, any semi-sappy movie can bring me to my knees if I'm in the right mood. I cried at the end of the Lizzie McGuire Movie for christ's sake!

4.If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?

Creepy--I was just talking about this with people. As happy as I am with myself, if I could get anything done, I'd go to a dental surgeon to fix my overbite and cap my teeth because I think they're too small.

5. Do you have a completely irrational fear?

I should fear myself because of my gracefulness. But really I don't like spiders. At. All. And I don't like friends who try to feed into this fear of mine. I hate sucky friends.

6. What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moment?

I think I have a lot of little quirks that are tell-tale signs. If I'm playing with my hair a lot it means I'm self-conscious. If I'm quiet that means I'm afraid of making myself look dumb. If I'm twisting my rings it means that I'm bored and/or looking for something to distract me from the current situation. And I play with my earrings a lot too, but that mostly out of boredom.

7. Are you a pyromaniac?

No, I just really like candles. Really really like candles. Like, a lot.

8. Do you have too many love interests?

I fall in love on an hourly basis. And I just get dorky little crushes. But I haven't been in love. I want to be. I want to fall, I want to feel, I want to have my heart crushed.

9. Do you know anyone famous?

I've met a lot of famous people thanks to fabulous NAE, but I don't truly know any famous people. Unless I count myself since I'm a legend in my own mind.

10. Describe your bed.

Stupid college twin bed--I'm so ready for a full bed so I can take up a lot of space. Multi-colored soft comforter currently with leopard print sheets. My favorite soft pink blanket also resides on the bed a lot. Mmm...bed. That means sleep. I wish.

11. Spontaneous or plan?

I'm neurotic and a spaz, so I like having a plan. And usually I don't adhere well to change, but I think I'm loosening up since my Chicago trip threw some kinks into my life. And that's ok, I need to not be so uptight.

12. Who should play you in a movie about your life?

It'd be cool to have Drew Barrymore play me--I adore her. Kiera Knightley would be good too. I wish I was half as cute as her. I want a British accent too.

13. Do you know how to play poker?

I possess the knowledge of how to play, but not the ability. I cannot lie for the life of me therefore I lose all the time. I hate it.

14. What do you carry with you at all times?

My camera is usually a steady companion since I'm a picture whore. I also always have some sort of lipgloss in my possession because I never know when I'll need to look cute in a moment's notice.

15. What do you miss most about being little?

The innocence of everything. Everything enchanted and excited me until I was about 10, then I began to realize that the world wasn't as fabulous as I thought it was. I still have that perspective to a certain extent, but now there's a voice in the back of my head that's a little evil and cynical that keeps my enthusiasm a bit in check. I want unbridled enthusiasm again and that's not possible as I continue to grow

16. Are you happy with your given name?

I like how formal Kristine Elizabeth is--it sounds royal. And I think Krissy fits my hyper, bubbly personality. So yes, I definitely am.

17. How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?

At least half a million. I'm so addicted, especially to this journal. It'd take a lot.

18. What color is your bedroom?

Groan. I have the institutionally white walls that NMU is so famous for. I'm working on decorating my room though. I need frames for my movie posters. And my Madonna concert poster. I think I have a weekend project!

19. What was the last song you were listening to?

I have my Madonna mix in, so Secret was just on. Now You'll See is playing. Such an empowering song this is.

20. Have you ever been in a play?

Haha--I was in my school's "drama club' which put on like two plays the whole time I was in high school. But I love acting. It's fun.

21. Have you ever been in love?

Like I said before, I want to be in love. It's the one life experience that I think I'm truly missing out on.

22. Do you talk a lot?

I dare you to try to get me to shut up.

23. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?

I'm my biggest fan and best friend. It's cheesy, but if I don't believe in myself then who else is supposed to? And of course I like me!

24. Do transient, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?

No, they make me sad. I'm a bleeding heart. I want to save the world.

25. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?

I consider myself to be a caring and loving friend. I'm also open-minded and open to new things and new people. I hope this means I'm nice.

26. Do you spend more time with your Husband or your friends?

Husband--haha. I hope that when I get a significant other I can divide my time so that all my friends are happy and not pissy about me having a boyfriend.

27. What is your ideal marriage location?

Outdoors under the stars in September. I don't know where, but ideally it'd be a a country club's garden or a Japanese garden or some other equally beautiful place.

28. Which musical instrument do you wish you could play?

Bass guitar. I've wanted to learn to play it for 10 years now.

29. Favorite fabric?

Random...although I do enjoy satin and silk. And Egyptian cotton.

30. Something you love and hate?

my office job--it's fun and I like everyone I work with, but it doesn't require a lot of neurons and I have to wake up early.

31. What kind of bedding do you use?

Cotton sheets.

32. Do you tell your friends about your sex life?

I probably would if I had a sex life.

33. What's the one language you want to learn?

I always thought it'd be cool to know Latin. Once you master that you could learn any language...almost.

34. How do you eat an apple? slices. With cheese. Or caramel dip. Yummm. It's so almost lunch time.

35. What do you order at a bar?

shots of jager or malibu and coke. If I'm really looking to let loose I'll get a long island and be done with it.

36. Have you ever pierced your body parts?

My ears are pierced. And I love my nose piercing. But I wouldn't think of getting anything else done. Pain isn't one of my strong suits.

37. Do you have tattoos?

No, but a tiny star on my shoulder would be kind of cool.

38. Would you ever admit to having done plastic surgery of any kind if confronted?

Probably. If you're lying about it you shouldn't get it done. Who cares if you had surgery? As long as you're happy that's all that should matter.

39. What's one of the funniest things you've ever done?

One episode that will always stick out in my head is singing "I Want Your Sex" with Erin M. and having the ski-outfit boys humping us and the karaoke monitor. And me screaming SEX! and PORNOGRAPHY!!! into the microphone during that lovely performance. Yup, that's a definite highlight.

40. Do you drive stick?

No, but I'd learn.

41. What's one trait you hate in a person?

I will not tolerate people who are mean just for the sake of being mean and stroking their own ego. It's unnecessary, immature and it showcases their own insecurities. It's a negative trait that I despise.

42. What kind of watch(es) do you wear?

I don't wear a watch, mainly because I can't find one that'd go with most of my outfits. I usually just rely on my celly to give me the time.

43. Most frivolous purchase?

I just spent $70 at the M.A.C. cosmetics counter last week. But I look amazing in their stuff, so it was a good investment.

44. Do you consider yourself materialistic?

Oh yes. I'm a clothes-horse, a makeup whore and I live for shopping. But I know when to draw the line and I don't spend outside my limit. so I'm materialistic, but reasonable.

45. What do you cook the best?

I'm an expert grilled cheese maker. And I can make mean macaroni and cheese. So basically...stuff with cheese. I kick ass at making breakfast foods like french toast and eggs too.

46. Favorite writing instrument?

Pen. Blue ink. ONLY blue ink.

47. Do you prefer to stand out or blend in?

Why blend in? That's boring. I stand out if only because of my big mouth. And I like it.

48. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?

It's fun to wear guys' clothes every once in a while. I haven't in like 7 years, but it can be fun.

49. What's one car you will never buy?

Please. Do I seem like the kind of girl that really cares about what kind of car I drive? Talk to my sister, she's obsessed with cars. She should have a dick she's so into machines.

50. What kind of books do you like to read?

Everything except stupid boring useless romance novels. HATE HATE HATE them!

51. If you won the lottery, what would you do?

Invest in a nice house for my mom and get her a nice car. Then take my ten best friends on a loooong cruise and invest the rest.

52. Burial or cremation?

Probably burial. But I haven't really thought a lot about it.

53. How many online journals do you read regularly?

Maybe 20ish. I get bored at work easily.

54. Do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends?

Yes, admittedly I do. I'm body-conscious.

55. Do you think you're cute?

I AM cute. I'm a goddess. I'm a girl. I'm beautiful. I'm fantastic.

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