Chicago Chronicles Part 4: Losin' It [ July 19, 2004, 10:29 pm ]

I think I just got high off of a slushie from Frosty Treats. Sugar rushes rock. And bring on sheer brilliance.

Yeah I forgot that I wanted it, then when I remembered I was so sad. I was like "ooooh sad."

Yup, I said that. Because I. Am. Brilliant.

Onto the finale' of the Chicago Chronicles.

I promise this is actually good and not filled with KiKi-isms. Or as many.

Joe and I managed to lose Brett on Wednesday morning. We were supposed to pick him up from the train station at 10:30 that morning. I meant to wake up around 9 that morning to start packing and get moving. My foot really hurt though so I pushed snooze about 5 times.

Joe did too. Except his alarm was the annoying cell phone ring for the Queer Eye theme and it went off about seven times.

We finally got our butts out of bed around 9:30, thinking naively that we could be out the door by 10. Except we both forgot how high maintenance we both were. We did'nt head out until quarter after 10. And then we didn't get to the subway and catch one until 10:25. I figured it was ok because Brett knows how late I always am.

After we got off the subway Joe left me at a Subway restaurant to chill because of my foot--it hurt like a motherbitch and I didn't want it to throb anymore than it already was. I waited in the restaurant while Joe ran to get Brett.

As I waited I just sipped on a soda and daydreamed. About ten minutes after Joe had left me he called my cell phone. "I can't find Brett." I hollered at him and told him to actually go into the train station. And the park. And walk the street a bit. He called me back five minutes later saying that Brett was nowhere to be found. I just figured Joe was being dumb and lazy. I wasn't worried. I told him to just keep his eyes peeled.

After the fourth phone call from Joe, I began to panic. Brett really did appear to be lost. Visions of him dead in a ditch or gang-raped in an alley began to float through my head. Soon I was in full-on panic mode. Joe's calls every three minutes didn't help either.

Brett was lost. We lost him. I wasn't even going to pretend I wasn't crying at this point. (I was still feeling quite vulnerable from the night before.)

I became even more scared when I saw Joe walking back alone. I screamed at him to go find my friend. I think I scared him. I think I scared everyone in the damn restaurant. I didn't care. I would be the scary, sobbing girl until Brett was un-lost.

About fourty-five minutes after we were supposed to meet him at the station, Joe came waltzing back down the street with Brett. And they were both smiling like it was the most fun day of their lives.

I? I was ready to clobber them both. Brett for wandering away (he was "exploring") and Joe for not being a great finder.

More than that, though, I was just relieved. So relieved I started bawling in the middle of the street as I ran towards them. It felt like something out of a cheesy music video or teen drama. I. Didn't. Care.

It really sucks feeling so vulnerable in the middle of a large city where you know nothing or nobody. It was the scariest feeling of my life.

At the same time, though, I felt invincible. I injured myself and still managed to drag my ass around the city. And have an amazing time. There were some setbacks, but ultimately, I'd do it again in a heartbeat because I still cannot stop smiling from the sheer enjoyment of this trip. The shopping, the sights, the show, the friends, the experiences. I'd do it again in a second.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Soar" by Christina Aguilera

Crush du Jour: none really (ok, maybe the Abercrombie guys Em showed me)

Happy Thought of the Moment: my vacay, my vacay scrapbook, aspirin, strawberry slushies, stuffed crust pizza, fun and dorky times with Em, Anchorman (LOVED it)

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