New Year, Same Schtuff [ December 31, 2003, 8:33 pm ]

Yay to the 80s!!!!!!!!!! May they live on forever.

(I say this as 2003 ends. I'm a dork.)

It's New Year's Eve. And what is Krissy up to? She's watching Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion with Emily and my Mom. Woohoo! Happy 04 to me! I guarantee that me and Em will be asleep by 12:30.

Haa--Mom's already zonked out.

I've done a very un-Krissy thing. I have no resolutions made yet. Gaah. This is weird. Usually I have a list of like 35 by this time. I got nothin'. I have ideas, but I haven't written anything down. The ideas include budgetting, not procrastinating, blah blah....

If anyone has any ideas lemme know. And I want to know what you all are resolving. Or if you think that resolutions are dumb.

The fam went out for lunch today. The traditional New Year's Eve lunch. At Ming Gardens. Yummmm. I adore Chinese food. We were seated by the fishtank. That was the entertainment of the day for me. There was shrimp scurrying around the coral and lots of little blue fish darting around. And one of the fish was trying to swim into the filter for some reason, but the filter current was blowing the othe way. It was too too funny. Katy and I had our own personal tank gang. Than about halfway through dinner I spotted an orange fish streaking around. A clownfish. "NEMO! I found NEMOOO!" I shrieked and freaked out. I was quite excited. My own personal Finding Nemo. Fabulous.

I'm gonna go enjoy my company. And gorge on pizza. And funny movies. And Alan Cumming. This night is fabulous.

Happy New Year!!!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Romy and Michelle

Crush du Jour: John Mayer, Alan Cumming

Happy Thought of the Moment: new year, new calendars, chocolate, roaming Blockbuster with Em (a good time and good adventure for sure), cleaning, new fuzzy comfy blankie, talking to Chrissy online, glasses fixed, manicures, bubble baths, family dinners, porkchops, chinese food, caffeeeeeine, good chapstick, Alan Cumming, cute Pizza Hut boys, comfy sweaters, logo tees, sparkling juice

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