Purple Cake [ December 29, 2003, 8:01 pm ]

Eeeww. Katy smells like old lady hairspray. And she's cranky at me because I won't move my car. Waah. If she wants to leave she can move my car. I'm sick and I'm not going out in the cold weather. Nee-ner nee-ner.

It's been an interesting day for moi. My family was supposed to go for lunch at the Ming--the best Chinese place in the UP. It would have been nice. If it had BEEN OPEN. Is there some kind of written rule that Chinese restaurants aren't open on Mondays? It's rediculous. I crave Chinese food all. The. Time. This happens to include Mondays, thankyouverymuch.


We ended up eating at the McDonalds in Wal-Mart. If you want class, eat there in the middle of the afternoon. Between the old shrivelled people and the screaming kids, it was a great atmosphere.

Then I went to Sam Goody to hunt down lesser-known cds. or at least lesser known to the UP. Damien Rice's cd--they had it amazingly enough. Yeah--for twenty bucks. Nuh-uh. I'm not shelling out that much money for an artist that I barely know about. Glenn Philips. *snort* Yeah right. I did find Collective Soul for ten bucks so that excited me. And I invested in Tales of a Librarian. That made me happy. I've been wanting that since it came out. Toriiiii! I adore her. And since I'm not a hard-core fan, her greatest hits is a good cd to invest in and make me love her more.

Then I talked to C for like half an hour. Happiness supreme. It was funny. I walked in SO cranky and so not wanting to talk to him. All it took for my bad attitude to disappear was to catch him grinning at me. Lalala. I'm gonna shut up now before I end up sticking my foot in my mouth. I'll cap this by saying that I'm highly optimistic. Ooh yeah.

I'm boring. I have nothing else to talk about. Maybe it's cuz of the fact that I'm stuck in Nowhere-Land. Damn Chassell.

One last thing: props to Katie G. She called me from Hunt just to talk and to ask about Chinese food. I love that girl. I miss her and all the other Hunt-ers SO much. I cannot wait to go back to Marquette, if only just to see my friends. Three weeks is definitely long enough to chill at home for break. Gaah. I gotta go blow my nose.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Fear Factor--go chica go! Kick the boys' asses!

Crush du Jour: Jimmy Fallon...and maybe someone else *wink*

Happy Thought of the Moment: warm sweaters, cheeseburgers, good lotion, good convos, soft kleenex, hot chocolate, cute babies, wandering around music stores, bookstores, scrapbooking, dumb Em conversations, "my kitty", "purple-cake", family game night, John Mayer D-town concert cd, nice weather

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