Puppies, cookies, and other happy things [ April 23, 2002, 9:38 pm ]

I'm so pumped. I went to Target to get my pix developed. They turned out faaaaabulously. =) They are all really really good.

I used up the last of my film last night. Some of the crazy residents of AG were going for a Cat Trax (a little on-campus convenience store) run at 11ish and they were like "PHOTOOOHHH SESSION! Krissyyyyyyy! Come with us--it'll be fun! Yaaaaaay!" Seriously. Then they all got caffeine when we there. Yeah, like they needed it. They were all "it's gonna be a loooooong night." Apparently they all have a sh-load of homework due. LOL So the point of going there was because we wanted a photo session in C-Store. The attendant was not too impressed. Oh well. Plus a bunch of guys walked in and were like "what the fuck?!?" Picture how this looked: half a dozen hyper college students all dressed in 'Team EBoard' baseball jerseys posing in front of the neon Cat Trax sign. Pretty bizarre. But it was a lot of fun. The pix turned out good too! Hurray!!!!

Today's been a good day. Not extraordinary or anything, just really good. Plus I finally got a nap in so that's probably why I'm so happy. To end this entry, here's an abbreviated list of what's making me happy this week so far:

~The SUN! The weather was extremely nice today.

~Me being in like. ::blush:: no comment here. Y'all know what I'm talkin' about, girls!

~Puppies!!! As Bob, Megan, and I were walking back from dinner we saw two absolutely adorable black lab puppies. They were so soft and cuddly and cuuuuute. I love little puppies so much. And one of them kept pulling at the other's leash. It was soooo cute.

~White Chocolate Macadamia Nut cookies. Mmmmm--I had a serious case of the munchies in Target and broke down and hadda buy some. Yummy

~The VA Thank You Eboard Card to me. It's just too too sweet. I seriously love my eboard peeps.

~Rain...it's promised for tonight or tomorrow, so here's hoping!

~Extra Credit in classes. So that I don't completely fail! Hehehehe

~"Swingers" I rented this the other night. I am seriously in love with this movie.

~The prospect of next year. I am really really excited to return to NMU and be the Hunt AP next year. It's gonna kick ass!

~The really cute pic of me and Joe from Saturday. This sounds dumb, but I think it's such a great pic. Totally is frame-worthy. We both are sexy beasts! ::grin::

~Cold water--I'm really really thirsty today.

~Tuesday night MTV 10 Spot programming. NOthing beats the drama of the Real World and the comedy of The Osbournes!!

Gotta go. Real World is now on. Don't disturb me! Ciao, dahling!


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