"Lotta assss in ASSS-Pen House" [ April 22, 2002, 8:30 pm ]

Togo's was gooooood. Really really good. Wow. I am such a dork. Here, people actually spill real problems and what do I write about in my diary? I write about how good my supper was. My life must be more boring than even I thought.

Oh-I had a reason for actually writing in here right now when I should be doing some much needed extra credit for Political Science. (It's a 100 level course and I'm working my ass off in hopes of a C. Life is not fair. I think it is probably cuz of the teacher though. He says things won't be on the tests then he goes and asks questions about those very things. Not fair. He's a really bad prof. I dont think he should be teaching here or anywhere. Class time is useless since all his notes are online. I usually end up writing notes to Em. Such a valuable way to spend my time and my money.)

Anyways...I didn't come here to vent about retarded PS 101. I was looking through my email of all the ones that I've sent and some of them date back to over a year ago. I should really learn how to clear that out. But....I found this one to my RA, Janele-y, about these guys that were wandering around Aspen last year. Here's the story:

So last February Ann and I were chilling in our tv room watching movies on a Saturday night. (Yeah we're pathetic, but I'd rather chill with a couple of friends than go out and get wasted with a bunch of horny frat boys.) It was like 2 in the morning and there were a couple of guys in the hall making a complete ruckus. Being really really loud. Right by the RA's room. That's really smart. The two guys notice a light on in the tv room and start pounding on the door. Me being the dumb one actually opens it.

These guys were drunk off their asses. They couldn't stand up straight. They had the most retarded grins on their faces and their eyes were squinted so much that you couldn't even see their eyes. "Hiiiiii can weee come in?" was mumbled as they shoved their way past me. They both spotted Ann and proceded to drunkenly hit on her. I was amused. Ann had this look of horror on her face like "what the hell."

One of them mentioned Gushers (the juicy fruit snack thingys) and Ann was like "Krissy has some."

"Ooohhhh, can weeee have some Gushrrrrrrzzzzz pleeezzzzeee???" Fine. To get back at Ann for mentioning this I left her in the room with the two of them. By this time it was quite obvious that they were both massively high.

I returned with the Gushrrzz for them. I was scared. They grabbed them from me and scarffed them down. It reminded of how lions eat wildebeasts. That bad. The scariest part? It looked like they got even higher from the Gusher juice. I'm surprised they didn't try to snort it or anything.

After that little experience they began to comment on the residents of Aspen Haus. (Ok, it's an all-girl house, but it's cool. Sure, sometimes PMS run rampant and there may be some catfights, but overall it is a fabulous place to live cuz of the feeling of sisterhood.) Anyways...they were like "DAMN! There's a lot of ASS in ASS-PEN house. ASSSS-pen house. Brahahaha. Get it? Ass-pen House. Lots of ASSSSS in the Assss-Pen House." They literally joked about this for 15 minutes straight. That's when I got fed up with them. I was like "Ok, both of you shut up. You're not from VA, and you're not welcome here anymore. Go back to your own hall NOW." I then kicked them out of the house and went to bed.

The lesson here? Ummm...perhaps there isn't a lesson. It's NMU so I'm not surprised that there were drunken boys wandering around the dorms at 2 on a Saturday night. But they were rude. OK, I figured out a lesson. Never take shit from people, especially when they're drunk. We are all above that, even if you think that you may not be. Nobody deserves to be talked about in a derogatory way like that. It's just retarded. Another lesson? Don't open the door after you know that there's been chaos outside of it. Yes, this is more of a me lesson than anything, but I'm sure there's other people out there that are as dense as me. We'll just call it another shining Krissy moment. We're chalking up quite a few, aren't we. LOL

OK, I should really get something accomplished tonight...whether that will actually happen or not is yet to be seen. I am the master procrastinator. Oh well. EEEWWW! I gotta balance my checkbook. Great. I get to see how broke I am. Wish me luck! Ciao dahling!


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