Lookin' se-xay, lookin' fly [ April 21, 2002, 6:28 pm ]

I have to add another entry. This is just much too depressing. Yeah yeah yeah. I just wrote an entry 2 seconds ago, but I completely despise being depressed. ENOUGH. No more for me. Nope nope. That's not for me. On with my life!

I went to a gay club with the homo-fabulous Joe last night. I got all hoochied up for it. My friends were like "why are you dressing up for gay men? It's not like you're going home with anybody!" Who cares??? I looked hot! Joe was so exasperated cuz I spent so much time on my hair and makeup. Hey--a girl's gotta look good, no matter what! Besides gay men are always so much more fun to party with because they at least notice and appreciate your hair and outfit. It was so much fun. I had the time of my life. Hehehehe. Plus they are much MUCH better dancers. Gay men know how to shake it sooo much better than the straight men I know. (Example *cough cough* MARK) It was great. When we got there, nobody was dancing. That's cuz the music absolutely SUCKED. The DJ had no idea what he was doing. So me and my cohorts for the evening: Karen and Brie (straight girls! I wasn't the only one there! How great =) )requested some good music. Some Madonna, NSync, Britney, all that good stuff. Soon the floor was packed with grinning, hot gay men...and us 3 girls. It was so much fun. I ended up in a sandwich grind with Bob and Ewan McGregor-lookalike Greg. *GRIN* Quite impressive. We danced for like 2 hours straight. Joe and I did a cute little dance routine to "Man, I Feel Like a Woman." We set the floor on FIRE!! Well...not really, but in my mind we did at least. It was just so fabulous. I love being able to just dance and let loose and not worry about anything.

Karen and Brie were so funny. They were like "loooook! Look at all the hot guys! Why do they have to be gay? Why are all the hot guys gay?" They couldn't get over it. I was thinking the same thing. It's true! Oh well. They're nice eye candy at least. And ohsoverymuch fun to dance with. The girls were nearly in heaven. Entertainment at it's finest for sure.

Aight. Now I have to go for real. Eboard is going out to dinner at Applebees. YAY! I love that place so much. They have to greatest cheesecake. Mmmm. It should be a lot of fun. Until later....ciao, dahling!


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