Paybacks are a bitch [ April 21, 2002, 2:08 am ]

So I had this entire entry about how my roomie was being a bitch. And I still maintain that she was being a bitch. But she saw the entry and drama ensued. It was not pretty. She made me feel guilty for feeling what I was feeling. Yes I am sorry for some of the stuff I was saying, but should I be made to feel sorry about how I feel? I certainly don't think so. So anyways...the entry is no more cuz I am not a heartless bitch...even though that's how she's making me feel. If you saw the entry...lucky you. I maintain that I was just saying what I was feeling. As I always do. I am not about to fuck around and not say whatever's on my mind. That's not me. If that makes me a bitch so be it. At least I'm a happy bitch. But the entry's now gone forever, so she can be happy.

I must go and write a paper on Japanese politics now. Until next time...Ciao, dahling!


P.S. Looking at stuff on another's computer is considered invasion of privacy, right? I certainly think so, but that's another story.

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