Procrastination--such a great thing! [ April 20, 2002, 4:12 pm ]

Wheeee! Waaaay waaay too giddy right now. It's kinda funny. Being hyper is a lot of fun. Except you never really seem to get a whole lot accomplished. Hehehe. That's fine by me. 'Cept that I have a paper due on Monday about the Politics of Japan. My bad. It'll get done, I soon as I write this thingy. *grin*

Not a whole lot has happened today. It's been an uneventful day. I've slept a lot. That is always good. I don't know why, I just can't sleep a lot during the week. Maybe it's cuz I'm in this mindset that I can just catch up on the weekend. Oh well. Everything fun happens after midnight. I can't help that at all!

I'm really happy today. I'm happy every day, but today more so than usual. Here's a list of what's making me happy:

~The Disney Channel--their weekend programming ROCKS. Lizzie McGuire? Totally me. lol

~The Sun--after 7 months of snow, it'd make the crabbiest bitchiest person happy though. =)

~Dancing--Loooove to dance, even though I may kinda suck at it. I'm in my own little world on the dance floor.

~Panini Grill--a Panini is a huge sandwich. And I'm completely addicted to them. Too too good. I highly recommend them.

~Serendipity--my mommy just bought that for me yesterday. *sigh* Just such a good movie.

~Ocean's 11--OK, this was supposed to be on-campus last weekend, but there was a dumb French Film Festival instead. And it was the only thing I was looking forward to last weekend. But nope it wasn't played. BUT it IS being played this weekend. I love this movie so so much. It's just a fabulous movie to sit and laugh at and watch.

~Guys--a couple in particular, but in general they're all being pretty great.

~My blue stripey hat--I'm having a bad hair day, so this is my salvation.

~Clean laundry--ever have a week where you're too busy for laundry? Yeah, me too, so to have it clean is a godsend.

~Emily--she's my best friend! She never fails to make me happy.

~Pix from Burger Bash--this one in particular shows me completely covered in chocolate pudding. It is so hilarious. It's one of my favorite pix ever I think. Ask me to show it to you.

That's all I can think of right now that is making me happy. But that's enough.

I'm completely pumped for tonight. Joe and I are going to Moulin Groove--a gay disco club thingy being held outside of Marquette. I enjoy the idea that it was inspired by Moulin Rouge (cuz I'm a dork like that.). But also because gay clubs are so much more fun than straight clubs. Straight clubs here involve skeezy older guys oggling you while you dance to ghetto music. Gay clubs involve you getting freaky with complete hotties (so what if they're gay?) while dance remixes pulse. Plus the ambience and atmosphere is always so much better at gay clubs. I always enjoy myself so much more at gay clubs. I don't know why. I just do. So I'm completely psyched about tonight. It's going to be great. I just have to get through this paper first. Ugh. I'm gonna go attempt it now. Happy Saturday night! Ciao dahling!


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