"SHIT! F*ck! F*ck!!" ~Mo-Mo [ April 20, 2002, 12:49 am ]

lalalaaa...Lots to talk about....I think. Good news: I FINALLY got my thunderstorm. Yay! It came last night as the banquet ended. It was so fabulous. THe thunder was loud, the rain poured down in sheets, and the lightning lit up the entire sky. Amazing. Megan had the bright idea to go out and play in it so we did. (FYI: At the moment we are watching Footloose. You gotta love 80s music. It's so cheesy. It makes me happy. Heheehe) We were playing frisbee with Monique, Christy, and Annika for awhile. We got pretty soaked doing that, but not as wet as I'd have liked. So after the wusses (aka Annika and Christy) went back inside, Monique had the bright idea to jump in puddles. I upped that idea. I'm like "ooohhh I'm gonna run through all the deep puddles." I'm talking lake-size puddles. I just screamed and started running through them. They were deep. REally really deep. I wasn't gonna be the only one getting soaked, so I dragged Mo-Mo into it. We ended up in a puddle war, shrieking and kicking water at each other. Megan was the innocent bystander til she got hit. Then it was war. It was so great. We went back into VA dripping wet. It was fabulous. (Oooh-it's at the part of the movie where Kevin Bacon is dancing in the alley...or is it a factory? I can't tell. Anyway...Soooo sooo great.)

After our rain escapade I just planned on chilling in my sweats and watch a movie. Nope. I ended up hoochie-ing up with Megan and Melina at the Shamrock. Which I've never been to before. Not such an impressive place but it was fine cuz all I wanted to do was dance. And I did. For like 2 hours straight. I was thrilled to see Jamie and Mark there. They are the shiz-nit. Mark, sadly, has no rhythm at all. We tried to teach him how to dance. It's nearly a hopeless case. He now knows how to grind because of me, though. *grin* ASNMU President Nathan Leach...or should I say "former president"...showed up with some of his cohorts. Jamie and Megan somehow ended up getting freaky with him. That was quite an interesting sight. It was the highlight of their nights (Jamie and Megan--not Nathan Leach). I think they ruined the moment, though, cuz when they were done they looked at each other and began to shriek. Nathan looked a little scared. I was amused.

Tonight has been interesting....I went to this Battle of the Sexes game show. The host was so fucking annoying. He wouldn't shut up and just read the trivia questions. Grrrr. I wanted to rip his throat out after awhile. Megan hated him too--and she was only there for 5 minutes! Doesn't that tell you something? The girls ended up winning. Yay.

After that we went to Megan's brother's soccer game at the Dome (or the wooden breast as my friends so fondly refer to it as). Ahhh...I remember high school. Where you try to be try to fit in and be unique at the same time. It just doesn't work. All the girls there were wearing variations of the same outfit. Do they all shop together at Abercrombie or something? And they all looked like skanks too. How charming--high school skanks. It's so funny cuz you can tell they try to look like they didn't spend an hour to get their look. Girls, that just doesn't work. I also discovered that Meg's brother Andrew is the pimp daddy. After his game he was surrounded by the high school hoes. Quite scandolous...and scary, actually.

After that there was a Taco Bell run. It was so rediculous. Half the county was there waiting to get food. It took sooo freakin' long to get through the line to order. At least the cashier was a cutie. That made it worth it...kind of. Plus Sam Paciero (the new ASNMU v.p. and complete cutie) was in front of us. My flirting experience was completely ruined by a huge motherbitch behind me. Taco Bell Guy (offically his new name dubbed by Megan) hadn't even finished giving me my change and order number when the freakin' lady SHOVED me out of the way. I was like "Ok thank y-"BAM!!! Knocked out of the way by the huge woman. In front of both cute guys. I didn't do anything to provoke it. Completely shoved me. Like she couldn't have waited 5 more seconds to begin ordering. I nearly knocked Megan over. Not impressive. Another experience like that and Taco Bell may be getting the same ranking as WalMart. And they do NOT want that.

Then on the way home we saw sooo many cops. Marquette has the highest police to citizen ratio in the country. GREAT. That means I'm fucked if I try to speed. They were all out and on a rampage busting ass tonight. I guess some shit went down in VA earlier tonight with the coppers. Interesting.

The cheesy music continues in the movie. Megan and I have decided to show this to Mark in hopes that he gets the idea and can be taught how to dance properly. Braahahaha. I'm gonna go and watch the rest of it. I'd go so crazy in a town like this--being all repressed and held back. That'd be so horrible. BUt it does remind me of my old church in Painesdale. Eeeewww. Don't wanna think about that. Gonna go now. Ciao, dahling!


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