"So you're blaming the family?!?!" Yes, bitch, I am [ April 18, 2002, 2:30 pm ]

I'm sooo disappointed. I want a damn thunderstorm. I WANT A DAMN THUNDERSTORM! The Weather Channel and the NWS both promised thunderstorms for the past couple of days and have we gotten one? Nooo-we've gotten some thunder and rain, but not a real storm. I want a REAL, downpouring, earthshaking, black-sky darkening, deafening, light-flashing, electricity out, surround-engulf-envelope-me thunderstorm. I love them so much. Here's hoping we have one SOON.

Let me tell you about the speech I had to give in 495 the other day. (Even though I'm trying to repress it...) Actually it wasn't even a speech, it was more like a statement and a q&a session. But my topic was dumb--how much teens are influenced by violent lyrics in the music industry. That's not a press conference type of topic. That's an hour-long discussion with 50 experts on the topic...it's a topic for Oprah to cover! I was hoping for something like "your client has an eating disorder" or something. Anyways...so my speech mentions that family needs to take an active role in a child's life and then there'd be less tragedy in the world. I was saying that the music industry shouldn't be the scapegoat for all that is wrong with kids. Which I think is totally true. So I deliver my little spiel. Then I'm bombarded with questions for 10 minutes straight. It was sooo horrible. I mean, it was good in the sense that,yes, this is what I'll have to get used to with press conferences, but I cannot think on my feet and fire back answers that great. It was like being in front of a firing range. And I totally forgot that there were a couple of moms in the class, and I pissed them off. I thought one was going to race across the room and rip my throat out. She was like "you're blaming the family then?" I wanted to say "Yes, bitch, I am." But that would've lowered my grade significantly. I just reiterated my point.

The whole thing was just bad. People were laughing because the questions just kept coming. One guy pretended to be from the Christain Coalition. The first words outta my mouth..."OH GOD." Yeah, that won't piss anybody off, especially CC people. My bad. As it went along though, I think that I got better at it. Or at least more comfortable. The funny thing is that I've had the most questions so far of anybody. And we've done half the class already. People came up to me after and were like "I'm soooo glad I wasn't in your position. I'm happy mine's not controversial." Ladeda. I'd rather be controversial. It's better than being boring. Plus I know that mine will be remembered. Which is a bonus in my mind at least.

The worst part? The whole thing is on tape. Yup--they've all been taped. I couldn't watch. It was bad. I can't watch myself on tape. It's too excrutiating. And my prof was like "here's what Krissy did bad. Here's what we can learn from her so you don't screw up." Thanks. One thing I learned from this? I am quite expressive with my facial features. I really do wear my heart on my sleeve. You can really see it when the tape is in fast-forward. It's entertaining.

Oh well. At least it's done. It was nice to be able to kick back and just listen to everyone's today. I hope I did well on it. I'll just have to wait and see...

I need to jet. I gotta grab lunch with Megan. GAAAHH! Joe won't stop messaging me. He's making some dance club mix thingy for the gay club we're going to on Saturday (Yes I go to gay clubs even though I like guys. LOL--it's a lot of fun to just dance and not worry about anything. I LOVE it.) He keeps wanting my opinion. Hon, not all songs are going to be fabulous. Deal, k? I also need to get ready for this "exclusive" leadership banquet at the UC tonight. It's a great excuse for me to dress up. Yay-Girly night! Hehehe. Gotta jet. Great-Joe keeps sending me mixes. Enough with this. Your mix will be good. STOP, PLEASE! Alright my office hour here at the VARC (I'll explain that later) is over. Hurray! Food time. Mwah! Ciao, dahling!


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