I HATE chocolate puddin' [ April 14, 2002, 10:42 pm ]

I'm so naughty. Hehehe. I should be doing my homework, but noooo, what am I doing? I'm writing here and I am looking for wallpapers for my computer. I'm a dork. I promise this'll be short, then back to stupid icky yucky homework.

I am sooo happy that Burger Bash is over. It was a lot of fun. Karaoke is always entertaining. Hehee. The highlight though? Cream the Eboard. It was sooo much fun, although it was extremely messy. I now hate chocolate pudding. That's all I have to say. I volunteered to be one of the first three to get hit with platefuls of pudding. That was a bad idea. Christy and Brett made me stand in between them so that I'd also get the pudding that was flung at them. And pudding travels. oh yes, it travels WELL. Grr. At least 6 people threw pudding at me. And then I got the leftovers from Dopey and Mopey on the sides of me. THanks, guys. Love you lots. It was sooo freakin' messy. YOu couldn't really see the color of my shirt. But that was ok, cuz it was my ugly heinous Welcoming Committee shirt. Hehe. And my hair was caked with it, and you couldn't see my chin or neck. It was high quality entertainment. :p It was fun, I'll admit. All I could do was laugh.

I need to go and do homework. I'll check back when I have more time to write. Ciao, dahling!


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