"I go to college. Translation: massive drunken orgies with occasional Cliff Notes" [ April 14, 2002, 12:21 am ]

Yaaaay!!! Weekend Update is on SNL right now. I looooove Jimmy Fallon....I need a moment to enjoy his wonderful-ness. Heheheheehehe....

OK, my Jimmy moment has passed. What a crazy day. That's all I have to say. The weather was absolutely GORGEOUS today. I was mucho mucho excited. I mean...we've had winter up here for like 6 long freakin' months. So when the snow finally starts to melt, it's a huge deal! And today was even more beautiful than yesterday. It got into the mid-60s. Which meant fun for Krissy!!!

Christy, Jen, and I went to play in the park. It was great. I got in touch with my inner child. I climbed all over the jungle gym. I shouted at the top of my lungs (ok, so I do this no matter the weather or my mood or anything, but it seemed more special at the park.). I swung on the swings. I think that that is the single greatest feeling: swinging as high as you can on a swing, without a care in the world, with the breeze whipping through your hair. It was most excellent.

After that we walked along the breakwall. Which usually I am terrified of since I think that I am going to fall of of all the time, even though it's really wide, and practically impossible to fall off of unless you're drunk or the weather's nasty. But we walked all the way to the end of it, and I wasn't scared. I was so proud of myself. One less thing to fear in the world. Actually I'm not afraid of that much...just heights and rejection. :p (And who isn't afraid of rejection? I think that everybody is to a certain extent. Otherwise there'd be a lot more happy people in the world.)

I'd have to say that my day was fabu. I love the nice weather. It's such a great change. And with nice weather comes the hotties. It makes me wonder where they were all hiding this winter. Seriously, every cute guy on campus was out today, walking, biking, running, blading, or just playing. It was great. There were some guys playing frisbee right outside my window. All I have to say is that I loooooove spring.

Ok, right now I'm watching SmackDown on Fox33. So shoot me, I really like this show. It's my guilty pleasure. It's so stupid and retarded yet I cannot stop watching it. I'm in love with Maven. I think he's gorgeous. I began watching cuz of him and cuz Hannah made me watch it with her. I totally just got sucked in. I feel so guilty! It's such a white-trash sport. But it is really enjoyable. I'm not going to apologize to my friends who think it's stupid. I like it. But anyways...I brought it up cuz Stacey was just shaking her ass for Vince McMahon. It was disgusting. I don't understand. I mean, there's the most kick-ass girls on the show that could whip most of the guys' asses. Then there's the other girls who are just there to show off their breasts and asses and shit. I think it's so gross. I don't like that aspect at all. I hate when women are degraded. Women have spent thousands of years being objectified and viewed as nothing except an object to fuck. Then we finally start to get some respect this past century. But lately it seems that we've been in a backward slide. Women are more than objects of lust and sex. I just want us all to be viewed as equals, but how is that to ever happen when my girlfriends just want to parade around in short skirts and tube tops? Don't get me wrong--if you want to wear cute clothes, wear cute clothes, but don't look like a skank, don't bare so much skin that you look like a porn star. I don't want to be glorified, worshipped, looked down upon, or talked down to. All I want is to be an equal. For girls to be equal.

I need to chill out. (In more ways than one...) Burger Bash is tomorrow. Yay! I'm excited. And I'll be eternally happy when it's over. It'll be fine I'm sure. I just need this week to be over. I have a huge project due, a speech due, 2 big tests in one day, and a paper due. GREAT. This is going to be one fun week. I'm apologizing to all of my friends in advance, because I know I'll be bitchy. You know it's the end of the school year when you're edgy 24/7 and you live to go to sleep. So is college life though. AHHHH!! MAVEN IS ON!!! Roomie and I are quite excited. I must go and drool now. Hehehehehe. Ciao dahling!


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