"I get a rush when I'm with you..." [ April 13, 2002, 12:03 am ]

The wonderful Jonathan has just entered the room. He is "EX-CLU-SIVE." He just said that he drank for the first time EVER ronight. He doesn't know how much he drank-he was at some benefit with president (of NMU) Judi Bailey. Too funny. He's pretty uppity right now. Quite entertaining. Judi told them that they have to keep their drinking a secret. FUNNY. That's awesome. WHOA--apparently she gets drunk. That would be entertaining to see. "Judi Bailey is a drunk"--according to Christy. Jonathan cracks me up. I'll tell more about him another time. I want to recount tonight's adventures.

Blah blah blah...Christy and Jonathan are ganging up on me. I am not loved. Apparently I'm not smart cuz I don't know anything about geography. My bad.

Anyways....Annika, Mo-Mo and I went shopping for the supplies for Burger Bash today. Fun fun. We went to white-trash WalMart. Yay. Not impressive. But we got out fast. THANK GOD. Then we went to Econo to get oranges...(Awww-Jonathan and Christy are bonding. Cuteness. Sierra just sits there looking stunned.) I ended up getting tulips from Econo. They are soo pretty. I wanted to celebrate spring. Plus I was feeling slightly down cuz Roomie told me that my ass was fat. Yes yes--we got in a fight today. She totally ran into me when I was checking my email and said that my ass was fat. I proceded to tell her that at least I'm comfortable with my ass and that I DON'T have to count every calorie that I consume. She got really offensive--no surprise to me. All I did was merely allure to the fact that she's got a problem with her body-image. We both know this. I was trying to help her, but she's too proud. So we began yelling. Then I said she's not worth my time and that I CANNOT wait 'til next year when I have my own room. She gets really defensive really easily. Only the princess' way.

Getting back to the flowers though...yeah, they're really really pretty. They're pink with yellow centers. Pretty pretty pretty. I wanted something to remind me of the beautiful sunshine that we had to do--which was freakin' miraculous. These past couple of days have been absolute gorgeous. I love it. Summer is on it's way. Bye bye bye to the damned snow. I'm sick of white. I want colour!!!

When we finished getting the stuff we came back to the dorms. We made buckets of pudding. It's insane. If anybody has a craving for chocolate pudding we have a TON of it right now. Just come and find me. :D

Tonight then I went and communed with nature at Presque Isle. It was so great. It really is spring. It feels like it...not just outside. People are more happy, they have more energy. It's awesome. As cheesy as this sounds: I feel it in my soul. I can't stop smiling about how fabulous it is outside. So I tried to get in touch with my crunchy earthy side. It didn't quite work. I was standing on the black rocks just enjoying the waves, the atmosphere and the gorgeous sunset when the lake decided to crash all over my jeans and shoes. I found it pretty funny. Go figure. Christy was like "you're not much of a nature person are you?" No duh. I have no problem lying in the sun or taking a walk or sittin' on the rocks writing in my journal, but that's about it. I don't enjoy hiking or anthing like that. Blaaah.

After that we went to see The Sweetest Thing. That movie cracked me up sooo much. Gwen and Christina--it's me and Emily all the way. I swear. It was like a glimpse into our futures. It's a good movie--I highly recommend it. Total chick flick, but it's the best movie I've seen in the theatres in a long time. I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Gotta love it.

Afterwards, Christy was whinin' about food so we headed to Toxic Hell, aka Taco Bell. High quality food. The best part of the excursion was that it was right next to the grocery store where the guy that Christy likes--Brandon--works. I dragged Christy and Sierra in there so I could see what he looked like. Our excuse for being there--I needed Strawberry Crush. I love that stuff! And seriously, that grocery store is the only place that sells it. The ONLY place in Marquette that sells it. Kinda wierd, but it worked as an excuse. We didn't see Brandon anyway though. How disappointing. BUT I had an idea. I was like "let's leave a note on his car!" So I composed a note:

"I get a rush when I'm with you...(Note: So we were listening to Mandy Moore at that moment--we're not the most creative sometimes) I just wanted to let you know I think you're cute and you're in my thoughts. Bye, sexy. ~Your secret admirer"

I'm such a poet. Riiight. We were inspired by Mandy. We did leave it on his car though. Christy's still in disbelief that I actually did it. I find it to be funny. No harm in it.

Sooo now I'm here in Christy's room. She's all hyped up cuz her roommates gone for the weekend. We're making Sierra watch A Night at the Roxbury. Brahaha. And Sierra's happy cuz she got canolis at the grocery store. Wheee!! I'm gonna go and chill. Ciao, dahling!


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