Not-So-Random Musings [ April 11, 2002, 12:43 pm ]

Lalalalaaaaa. Once again sitting in goddamn NASCAR class. Wheeee. Finding that I cannot type well today. Great. Just what I need. Ohmygod-what if I have Carple Tunnell Syndrome? Gaaaah! That'd be sooo bad. Ok...I think I'm done flipping out for now. :D There's a cute little girl in our class today. She's the daughter of one of the students. She's so cute. She's 4ish years old, and has curly blonde hair. I'm surprised at how well she's behaving. If I was a 4 year old in a college class, I'd be running around yelling and poking people. And I'd suck up all the attention that I could get. I would've acted like StillWill in "A League of Their Own." Heh heh (So I was a brat when I was little-sue me.) Now she's trying out all of the different desks. But still being good--she's really really quiet. Wow.

I officially HATE this class. Starting next week we have to do spokesperson training. It's not actually training it's more like stick us up in front of the class and a video camera and make a statement and pretend we know what the hell we're doing. She hasn't really talked about this. It's kinda scary. And guess who gets to go on the first day.....MEEEEEEEEEEEE. I am sooo not impressed here. It starts on Tuesday. I will sooo not be ready by Tuesday. I have so much other shit that I need to do. Really. It's quite scary. I'm too busy to have yet another assignment to worry about. Yet, I get to go. I'm the 4th person. Lucky me. At least I get to get it over with. But I really wish I had more time to prepare. Some people aren't going til the end of the month. That's not really fair. They have FOREVER to prepare and I get to prepare over the busiest weekend of the year. Life is great. Sometimes I think that God is playing some kind of sick joke on me. It's the only explanation I can think of for some of the stuff that happens to me. Seriously.

When God decided to make Krissy, she must've been like "oh she'll have quite an interesting existence. That may not be a good thing for her, but everybody else will at least be entertained." Luckily I was given a sense of humor to go along with my chaotic life. LOL

In other news: Ummm...I don't think there's really a whole lot going on right now, besides the fact that I'm stressed. OH-S.G. got his ass kicked in the elections. And I heard that he's not taking it so eloquently and gracefully either. PLEASE--everybody KNEW he wasn't going to win. Like it should be that big of a surprise to him.

Roomie was sent flowers toward the beginning of the week. Guess from who? You got it: Motha-bitch. (Don't you just love that name? Seriously, if you saw this guy, you'd understand why.) We were both in shock. I didn't think he had it in him. And they are soo pretty too. It's just an arrangement of 2 red roses in a crystal-like vase. Really simple and gorgeous. And they're in full bloom right now...and HUGE. They're really pretty. I'm happy for her, but also confused. He really likes her...and she is not-so-fond of him. Oh well. Her problem not mine. I'm just jealous that she got flowers. I want flowers! I've never gotten any before...from a guy (or from a straight guy I guess). It'd be nice, y'know? Oh well. Someday. Hehehe

I'm gonna go for now. More on my life later. Ciao, dahling!


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