College and Silence (or lack thereof) [ April 10, 2002, 11:26 am ]

College can be really dumb sometimes--did you know that? I totally rushed around this morning, in a chaotic state attempting to get ready to go to class. Then I had to rush Megan to get her ass moving to walk to class with me (she fell asleep--poor thing) and we rush up to class together in the rain. When I get to my retarded Poli Sci class what do I see? A sign announcing that the damned class is cancelled for the day. GRRRRRR. I was not an impressed person. We haven't had class at all this week--not that I'm really complaining. I mean, in theory this should be the easiest class ever cuz is's a 100 level. It's Intro to Poli Sci for Christ's sake. But NO. I end up nearly failing the first 2 tests. Oops. My bad. And I did study...contrary to what people may think. OK, so I watch Comedy Central and MTV while studying but still! It's studying. I just get easily distracted...and easily bored. I took Government in high school with Homey (there's a character if I've ever seen one--but I did learn a lot about life and stuff from him, so THANK YOU Homey!!!), so I have a pretty good grasp on the concepts. It's just the way that this prof teaches it. And the tests. LORD. You need to decipher the questions before you can even think about answering them. It's pretty sad. BUT...I did get an A on the last test. GO ME!! Yaaaaaay!

In other news: Today is the National Day of Silence, commemorating the fact that GLBT voices are silenced everyday by facist, closed-minded people that don't want them to have equal rights. Now I think that this is a GREAT idea. But Joe wanted me to be quiet for 8 hours. EIGHT ENTIRE FREAKIN' HOURS!!! I cannot do it. CAN'T DO IT. Sorry, hon. I completely broke it when I woke up this morning, bumped my head and swore. bad. Then Em came over and we talked. Then she reminded me of my silence thingy. She remembered before I did, honestly. I had completely forgotten up until that point. And by then I had talked so much that it would've been hard to shut up for the day. Plus--I can't not talk in my PR class. I have to edit papers. And 3 of my closest friends are in it, too, so that's massive chaos as it is. Joe's doing it though. He's doing it HARD-CORE. He was standing in the rain, with just a t-shirt on, handing out little flyer thingys about this silence thing. And he banned being on AIM too. Now that's just craziness. I couldn't do that. I message people waaay too much. I'm addicted. Plus one of the guys that I am kinda-sorta-maybe-interested-in is on it, and I enjoy talking to him (hehe). Joe, hon, I love you, but there's no way that I can do this. It's too hard. I can't not talk for 8 minutes let alone 8 hours. I think that it's a really good concept though. And I totally agree with the cause. I'm a fruit fly, so I have many many gay friends, and I understand their issues, and plight. And I'll be an advocate for them...BUT I NEED TO BE ABLE TO TALK!!! So fight on, Joe and everyone else...I'll support you always, just let me be able to talk.

I should get going...class is gonna start in like 10 minutes. I'm sure I'll add another entry later on today. Yaaaay! I'm on the front page of my friend Bob's website. I'm sure it's for the fact that Bob looks really good in the pic, but so do I, so it's all good. That makes me happy. Anyway...Ciao for now!


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