Hottie List...and Nathan Leach [ April 09, 2002, 2:57 pm ]

Megan and I just had an epiphany...sort of. :P We were talking to ASNMU President Nathan Leach (Hehehehehee) and when we left Megan said something about how his hair is always gelled and perfect. I then realized that his hair resembles Ace Ventura's. Brahahahaha-it does! It doesn't look like it from the back, but the front is pretty much the same as Ace's. We found that to be quite hilarious. It really really does...the more that I think about it. Not that it's bad on him or anything. He's not a bad looking guy at all. I just won't be able to look at him anymore without laughing about his hair. LOL

Sooooo awhile ago--like back in November, my roomie and I were bored so we were talking about who we thought was hot. And since we were so bored, we wrote our lists on this huge dry erase board. That board is now immortal. I will now present to you--dadadadaaaaaaaaaaaaa!--KRISSY'S LIST OF HOTTIES!!!

~NSYNC: I am in love with these guys. They're all cute, and I enjoy their music. "Girlfriend" makes me sooo happy. =)

~Ben Stiller: Nothing is sexier than a guy that can make me laugh. And I don't stop laughing when I'm watching him. Zoolander rocks!

~Jimmy Fallon: He too makes me laugh. And I love his disshevelled look. Mmm

~Mark McGrath: Ooohhh. The bad-boy rocker--sooo sexy. I enjoy his gravelly voice. He has such a stage presence too-he totally charms the crowd. And he's just as good-looking in person too. =)

~Sean W. Scott: AKA Stifler. Also got the bad-boy vibe goin' on. He's just such a cutie.

~The Edge (U2): I don't know why--I think he just looks very sexy when he's playing. He always has this look on his face that does it for me.

~Chris Katton: He's scrawny, but he is soo funny and he has the whole dark-hair-dark-eye look going on that I adore.

~Ben Affleck: Can we say SMOLDERING? Just sexy. Nuff said.

~John Cusack: He's so endearing. He's adorable, he's funny, he's cute. I'd marry him in a millisecond.

~Jesse Bradford: I have the HUGEST crush on him. Dark features--so cute.

~Lenny Kravitz: Sexy sexy rock star. :D

~Ewan McGregor: OHMYLORD he can SING!! He has the best voice, I love his accent, and he's just gorgeous. I'd marry him too! hehehehe (I'm gonna have a lot of husbands!!!!)

~Chris Klein: He has that All-American appeal going for him. He gives off the genuine, sweetie vibe. Cute cute cute!

I'm sure that there's others as well, but those are the ones that I thought of on that fateful night with roomie. A non-famous cutie would be Sex friends'll know who I'm talking about even though 75% of them disagree with me. Hehehe-he waved at me last night. That made me giddy. And I thought that I was over my little crush on him. Oh well. I can honestly say that NOTHING will happen with him. I just know. It's all good. He's just nice to look at. LOL.

I need to jet to stupid icky psych lab. I'm not impressed. Oh well. At least Em's my lab partner. Hehehe. Chaos will reign. =) Ciao for now!


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