My Manic Monday... [ April 08, 2002, 2:52 pm ]

Gaaaah! I just typed like half an entry but the damn thingy got deleted when I went and clicked something. I figured that would happen, but me being the blonde (figuratively, of course) that I am (or inspire to be) I clicked some link anyway. Oh well. Live and learn.

Wow. Some people scare me. I was reading some people's diaries and DAMN some of them are out there. They definitely have guts to say what they're saying, that's for sure. These people either hate the world, hate their lives, or desire to be a goth god or goddess. Which is cool if it makes them happy--don't get me wrong. Do your thing. Lemme just say that it scares me a little bit. I definitely won't have that heavy of a diary. This is going to be more Princess Diaries than Vampire Chronicles.

I think that I was going to vent about something, but I CANNOT think of what it was for the life of me. I think it had to do with something on tv....ummm..nope totally lost it. Oh well. It couldn't have been too too important then right?

Yay! I'm listening to Britney right now. I don't care what people think. I think her music is soooo much fun. It's the best music to dance to. And it never fails to make me happy if I'm sad. Sure, it's kinda sad since I'm a sophomore in college, and almost not a teenager anymore, but oh well. Her music makes me smile. It's just cheesy, fun music. At least I don't listen to Aqua like SOME people I know (MEGAN!!!)

My life is boring. I wish I had something interesting to talk about. Oh-My roomie is retarded. She pisses me off so much sometimes. Grrr. So this may sounds a little anal retentive but I really hate when people sit on my bed. That's why we have a chair and a bean bag. So people don't have to sit on my bed-ESPECIALLY without my permission. It's ok if you're hanging out with me and there's like a dozen of us crammed in the cell that is called a dorm (right-who the hell can live in a 12 by 12 foot room? It's impossible!). But when it's unmade and I'm not even there to say sure, then it's a problem. I came back from my class early today cuz Wally's just great like that (he always lets us out early-fabulous!). And who was LOUNGING on my unmade, and very crumpled bed? "Motha-bitch (for privacy purposes I won't reveal his name, but nearly all my friends know who this oaf is)" Grrr. This is the guy that my roommate is leading on nonetheless, so technically I don't think he should've been in the room to begin with. Poor oaf-he thinks she actually likes him. She's just having fun till she gets her "soulmate." Yeah, so I was NOT impressed at all. I think what really aggravated and shocked me was when I told her later that I wasn't impressed she just kinda hung her head and apologized. I nearly keeled over. I was all ready to fight and shout and scream and vent and she just apologizes? Wow. I think I'm living in some parallel universe.

Actually...near the beginning of this semester Megan and I SWORE on our lives that we were living in some kind of parallel universe. It was just really weird. All this stuff was happening and we couldn't explain it. So we compiled a list of how you can tell if you're living in a parallel universe. (This especially applies if you know one or both of us cuz you'll understand these reason a lot more. But if you don't just laugh and alter them to fit your own life.)

~Hot guys talk to you and actually LISTEN to what you're saying (right like there are hot guys here at NMU)

~YOu have a good hair day (that never happens for me without a flat iron and 3 ounces of hair goo)

~You can stay awake during all your lecture classes

~Scrubby clothes actually look good on you

~Your roommate isn't in the room for the majority of the day, meaning you have the room to yourself. (This is soo true for me since my roomie likes Lifetime way too much.)

~People who usually dress grubby suddenly morf into Abercrombie-looking models (and the guy I'm talking about looked sooo good)

~Somebody that you never suspected likes you asks you out (This is pretty much for Megan-it didn't happen to me) Dates in VA are generally non-existant for some reason...

~There were some other reasons why we thought it was a parallel universe but I can't think of them right now. It was really wierd though. Creepy, Twilight Zone-like. Who knows-maybe my life is just wierd. Can life be wierd and boring? Actually I don't think my life is boring, now that I think about it, it's just lacking chaos sometimes. Which I should be thankful for since usually I have more shit going on than is reasonable.

Ooohhh-government elections on-campus are being held tomorrow. This could be a big thing. Well...not really, but I know a lot of people that are running. I hope my friends win. I'm really surprised that people haven't campaigned harder. Sex God should've had me help him. I am a PR major and I totally could've given him a better image than the cocky one he has going on right now. It's quite aggravating. His loss. If he loses I will laugh. And I'm pretty sure he is going to lose. Allegedly there's a referendum on campus tonight with the candidates. I'll drag Megan to it so that I can oggle SG. Hehehe. He's actually not that great of a least now that I know he's so freakin' cocky. That is so not cool. A total turn-off in my book. Too bad. Are all the good-looking guys devoid of a decent personality? God must have a sick sense of humor. I can think of like 1 guy that is cute and funny. That's it. Sad sad. Oh well.

I should really go now. I need to do work...or take a nap. Yes a nap sounds good. But wait. Motha-bitches nappiness is infested on my sheets. Thank you very much, roommate. GRRR. Perhaps I'll just do homework. Whee that sounds like fun. Until next time...Ciao, dahling!


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