Just how immature can I be? [ April 08 2002, 11:53 a.m. ]

I have come to the conclusion that I am waaay too immature for a 100 level class. So Em and I were sitting in Psych (Intro to Psych mind you)and we were almost in tears laughing so hard. We were talking about Freud and his fucked-up theories, and we began to talk about Psycho-sexual theories. It was quite interesting. I swear to god the categories were "oral" and "anal." I nearly died. My mind was so in the gutter that it wasn't even funny. I almost fell outta my seat laughing. It didn't help the Nicky darling was sitting behind me poking me and saying "don't you DARE comment on that." The whole class period was just fucked up. It was quite funny. Em and I are just way too immature to handle anything that has to do with sex. It's quite sad. I mean, I'm exposed to it all the time, but I can't sit through a discussion on it? Whats up with that? Maybe it was because it was early in the morning...or because Em and I are always immature when we get together. Oh well. At least I have fun. =) I need to go-I'm in Wally's class and he'll blow a nut if he sees that we're doing non-classlike stuff. Ciao for now! ~*Krissy*~

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