Manipulating is BAD [ April 07,2002, 11:58 p.m. ]

Oh wow. I was gonna be done for the night, but I was just talking to my fabulous suitemate. Quick thought: if you don't like somebody, don't lead them on. This should be common sense, right? I would like to think so. Unfortunately SOME people (actually one person only) don't have this same thought. It's SICK SICK SICK. Manipulating somebody just because you can is so not cool. People have emotions, and hearts will get broken in this process. I don't understand why she doesn't realize this. Or maybe she does, and she just like having somebody wrapped around her finger, which is even more sick and demented. You can't control somebody by using them. It's just wrong. Ever heard of karma. Oh yes it IS real. What goes around WILL come back around. I've seen it happen a thousand times.

Lesson here? Don't use people. Please don't lead somebody on. It's so not cool. I know that if I were in this place I'd be heart-broken and ohsovery confused. I feel bad for "motha-bitch."

On a lighter note: Megan's friend Zak makes really really good cookies. Yummmmmm. Ciao for real!


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