Yaaay! Wait...Yeah, YAAY! [ November 23, 2003, 1:56 am ]


do you know any slow or special people?...do you know any slow or special people....question number 6--do you know any slow or special people?

I adore Special Ed.


Joe and I drove Erin nuts tonight impersonating him. I have like half of my posse' impersonating him now. It's awesome. I do a kick-ass Special Ed impression. It's my secret talent. And I have Julia-Gulia to thank for that. Thanks, hon! Mwah to you a million times!


Life is so amazing sometimes. Just when you feel down, you find something or someone to just make you feel amazing. Right now that thing is Special Ed. It's small and may be insignificant, but I enjoy it so much. It gives me great joy.

It's not like I'm really pissed or depressed or anything. There was just some.....interesting...yeah, interesting news I found out tonight. And it doesn't even really affect me that much--it could if I let it, but I refuse to let it. Whatever. I'll just say that I may have had a glimmer of hope, but it faded tonight. I realized that it's not what I want anyway.



So I'm tired...and maybe a little inebriated. Well...not anymore. I may have been but I definitely danced that away. Dancing is the most therapeutic thing you can do. Seriously. Just grab some of your bestest friends and shake yo' booty for hours. You'll feel great. I feel like the greatest goddess ever when I dance. And I danced the night away with Erin, Joe, Bob, Sierra, Nichelle, Becky and Yo-Yo tonight. FAbulous. Totally fabulous. I was so geeked to see some of my old friends. It was seriously like an Aspen Haus reunion there tonight. At least 7 or 8 Aspen girls were there. It was fabu.

Yeah, it was a good night. I love night's out. As much of a homebody as I am, I love dressing up and dancing the night away.

This is one damn cheesy entry. Oh well. It's all I can really comprehend right since I'm so tired. Meh.

Oh--if any of my wonderful friends have the new Howie Day cd or the new Tori Greatest Hits cd, please please PUH-LEASE let me know so I can borrow it. I am one broke girl and I'm lusting after these cds like there's no tomorrow. (Or if you're feeling really generous you can really make my year and purchase one of these two fabulous discs for me. *grin*halo*)


I'm going to bed.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Chapelle's Show on Comedy Central--it's really growing on me--mwahaha

Crush du Jour: Special Ed--YAAAAAAAAAAAY! Oooh...and Johnny Depp

Happy Thought of the Moment: good novels, black and white film, photo shoots with sis-tah and Miss Dinkel (thanks, darling, you're the best!), dancing, good lotion, Chinese chicken, my Grooove mix, happy things the pop up unexpectedly, Stitch, D-town in 4 days, John Mayer in 6 days (EEE!), sleeeeep

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