The one about my welcome weekend [ August 31, 2004, 12:13 pm ]

I hate looking at my checking account balance online. I always squig my eyes shut and brace myself for the worst. It feels like playing the lottery almost. Suck. I cannot wait until I get a "real" job with a salary and stuff. Yeah. That'll be nice.

This weekend was...interesting. It was nice having Joe up here, but the drama that ensued wasn't so fabulous. We fought Friday night and then proceeded to ignore each other at the bars Friday night. Awkward much? The fight was never really resolved--they never really are. We yell, we cry, we then ignore the real issue and carry on. Unhealthy, I know. But I'm a drama queen, he's a, more than queen. Plus he has a tendency to blow things out of proportion and not listen to people in the process.


I don't know. We have issues. I officially have a gay boyfriend. God. All I can say is that I don't want to be overwhelmed and I don't want to be pushed around.

can I just get a real boyfriend?

Or a good smack?


Saturday night was just sheer craziness. We had a get-together at my apartment with half a dozen of my most beloved friends. And close to a hundred Jello shots.

Jello shots are my new friend. Mmm.

Saturday night was crazy, like I said. Perhaps I'll post pictures later.

Oooh, I get to bowl in a bit. Or go to my first bowling class. God bless college. If I don't double my average after this class, there is officially no hope for me.

Ciao, dahling!


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