Tussin Shots [ December 28, 2003, 10:44 am ]


I'm playing hooky from church. Wheee! This excites me greatly. I feel like I should run around the house naked and eat loads of ice cream or something. The reason I get to skip doesn't excite me though. I'm sick. Baah. Like horking up a lung sick. Blowing yellow-y crap into a tissue every 5 seconds sick. Hollow-chest hacking sick.

You get the picture. It's not fun.

Mom made me take Robitussin to "fix the cough." Um, remind me never to take that stuff ever again. I'd rather do 3 shots of Absolut than take this medicine crap. And we all know how much I loooove doing vodka shots.

Eeww! What is this? I'm listening to the new Howie Day cd and one of the songs from the Australia cd is remixed or revamped or whatever for his new cd. I no likey this new version. It sounds waay better slowed down. What the fuck were the producers thinking? Grr.

So I have cute underwear. Lalala. They're like boy's underoos, but with pink waist-lines. And stars and graffiti. They're great. And oh-so-comfy. I love them. I want to run out and buy more pairs of them.

Um, that was probably way more information than you ever wanted to know about my underwear. Oh well.

Warning: this next part is a bit different than anything I've talked about before....keep that in mind and skip the next paragraph if you didn't want to know how my mind works--even if it was just a dream.

I had the weirdest dream last night. Katy bought me a vibrator. But it wasn't a normal kind of vibrator, it looked more like a children's woodshop workshop toy with holes and two parts and three different holes. It was bizarre. But it was even weirder because her and my MOM got it for me together and Mom was ok with me having it. She even said something like "we though you'd like the color." It was a bright pink. It was just a bizarre dream.

Ok, commence reading now, all you who didn't need to read how my mind functioned!

Ooohh--one of my "friends" (thanks, whoever you are) anonymously signed me up on some online blind date service. I now have a profile and picture on there. How pathetic am I? Gaah. At least I totally mouthed off in my profile and said don't even try if you're not funny or cute. Yeah. Go me. Way to scare off the boys. Mwahaha.

This is a highly random entry. Oh well. I think I'm gonna crawl back into bed and fight off my cold.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: the new Howie Day cd

Crush du Jour: John Mayer--I figured out that his music is my zen. I found this out when I was watching him on SNL and my mind just went blank for two blissful 5-minute intervals while he played.

Happy Thought of the Moment: skipping church,cinnamon gummy bears, guestbook signage (thanks you guys--you rock!), soft tissues, Bella, soft teddy bears, hilarious dreams, SNL, John Mayer, Weekend Update, shiny objects, cute underroos, emails from friends

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