Risk is a Good Thing (Or at Least the Idea Was Last Night...) [ June 02, 2002, 7:59 pm ]

Bella is such a dumb dog sometimes. She just sauntered over to me and began sniffing my armpit. It was quite humorous. She is so dumb.

Work today....exhausting. I didn't think it'd get that busy, but oh yes. It did. Great. I was running my ass off for 3 and a half hours straight. It was craziness. But I'm not broke anymore (not that I was ever really broke that bad) so that rocks. =)

Lalalalaaaa...not really much else to talk about. I'm really really tired. OH--I have a therapist. It's Em. She is quite smart when it comes to matters of the heart. Which I never really had realized before. We had a midnight therapy session last night. Now I've figured out what I want at least. Which is a GOOD thing cuz I was muy muy confused before I called her. It took an hour of long-distance conversation to get my mind and heart sorted out. Honestly I cannot remember everything that we talked about. I was half asleep. BUT I know what the conclusion is that we came up with. And that's really all that matters. Soooo here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna take a risk. For sure this time. I just need to think about how and when I'm gonna do this. It'll be soon. If it's not Em swears I'm gonna explode--which is probably true. (She knows me SOOO well. Hehe) So yes--risks are good. Being passive is bad.

I am being kicked off now. I get to go and do chores and balance my checkbook. GREAT. Until next time...Ciao dahling!


PS: I get to return to the garage of my harassment tomorrow. Wish me luck and hope that I don't have anymore interesting "conversations." Yeah.......God help me please!!!!! :p

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