Ponderings [ August 01, 2003, 10:42 am ]

Mmmm....quiet cloudy morning. Is there anything better? I think not.

I'd better savor it because this is the last personal morning I'll get for a very long time. At least by myself in my own place with a huge bathroom and a kitchen.

I cannot believe that I have to move tomorrow. Where did the summer go? I really don't know.

I was thinking about that last night. About how fast summer went and why and blah blah. And the conclusion I came up with was that I fell into the very dangerous situation of routine. I'd work on Monday, Thursday and Friday every week--and I looked forward to it cuz I liked my job....except for the whole waking up early thing. And on my days off I'd just laze around, get my errands done and watch a lot of tv. And I'd go to a movie nearly every Friday night cuz a ton of good movies were out this summer.

And....that's about it really. I got caught up in a routine. Which isn't necessarily a BAD thing, but it's not something I really like to do. Which is why I like college, the dorm life and my job--it's crazy-fun and I'm never doing the same thing every day.


At least I now really know that little bit more about myself.

(Random little sidenote: Kelly Clarkson has a nosering, right? Her nose is pierced. Or am I totally off here and I'm imagining the tiny stud on her left nostril in the "Miss Independent" video. I didn't think she did until I was looking through an old YM yesterday. Hmm. I love her. She's adorable. And she has a great voice. And I adore her cd too. Thanks for that gift, Pookie! *grin*)

I get to move tomorrow. This still is not completely sinking in. There's so much shiznit I need to do: wash the massive mound of dishes, do laundry, clean, and oh yeah--pack EVERYTHING. I'm confident I'll get it all done. I'm good like that.

I should go get started on that, though. Uuugh, yeah.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar FAntasy To: "never leave" by lumidee (I love this song, it's so pretty!)

Crush du Jour: Sean W. Scott

Happy Thought of the Moment: quiet mornings, time with Joe, cleaning my room (it's actually CLEAN--step 1 for packing), freshly clean laundry, Friends Season 1 on DVD, Quarters night, party pix, dancing, drunk Davide (stories galore for later...), American Wedding tonight, almost being back in the dorms, pic of me and Bert (hehehe)

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