It's Better Than Starving Myself and Putting on Pounds of Makeup [ August 06, 2006, 10:08 pm ]

"Equally important: will find nice sensible boyfriend and stop forming romantic attachments to any of the following: alcoholics, workoholics, sexaholics, commitment-phobics, peeping toms, megalomaniacs, emotional fuckwits, or perverts."
~ Bridget Jones

Like my literary alterego, I must stop with the toxic boys. It's no secret that when I fall I fall hard. And lately I've been crushing on the worst kind of guys: the emotionally unavailable commitment-phobes. Without going into TMI territory I'll suffice it to say that some, uh, stuff has happened with one of these classically bad boys. And while it was fun while it lasted, the drama was inevitable and bound to happen. And it has in the form of degradation, pig-headedness and one very harsh IM conversation one very late night.

And now?

Now I am done. Through. Finito. Because while I might not have a lot of experience in the boy department, I know what I want. And don't want. And I'm sick of it all. I'm tired of the horndogs, the guys that think with the wrong heads, the ones who'll only look at the Playmate/porn-star wannabes and those who only want a Saturday kind of love.

My quest for the elusive (and maybe fabled) Sunday kind of love has stalled. So for the time being I'm just giving up. I'm tired of being hopeful. I'm sick of guys. From here on out I'm going to focus on myself. (And my friends. For they rock and are severely underappreciated by me. I love you all!!!) Because, unlike the guys I've been meeting lately, I know what I want. And I know how to make me happy. Even if that means a date with Anchorman and a teddy bear on a Friday night.

Hell, it sure beats a dickhead staring down my shirt.

Ciao, dahling!


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