I'm On Your Side [ November 04, 2003, 12:27 am ]

I think I may need to re-think my definition of friendship and what I truly define as a friend. Because after this past hour, I really don't care to call a couple of people friends or even aquaintences.


According to Webster--

Friend: a person whom one knows, likes and trusts

According to dictionary.com--

Friend: One who entertains for another such sentiments of esteem, respect, and affection that he seeks his society aud welfare; a wellwisher; an intimate associate;

According to Krissy--

Friend: a person who I can confide my secrets/hopes/dreams to, laugh with, cry with, lean on and above all--trust.

It's an easy philosophy. Too bad some people seem to think that being a friend includes the oh-so-very fun activity of making fun of me.

Especially when it comes to the slightly sensitive subjects of my chest (or lack thereof), relationships and my voice.

(FYI: Emily is really the only that can get away with the chest issue since she has enough to compensate for my lack of it.)

I don't even know if I want to get into it. I'm just not impressed with the person that I thought was one of my best friends. Granted, he may have been joking. But incessantly joking turns into just mean-spirited-ness. And I don't need that.

And I won't even get into my sister. I could say some mean things right now, but that would be stooping and I'm too tired and good to do that. I love you, but I may not like you at times.

I have real friends who will laugh and joke good-heartedly and value me.

I have real friends to make cards for and do favors for.

Guess I've learned my lesson, right?

Oh--still in call-hell. This day has been so very fabulous.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: *snort* "Anytime" by Kelly Clarkson--I dedicate this to those friends who don't feel the need to tease every 5 seconds

Crush du Jour: too pissed and tired to care....

Happy Thought of the Moment: BK runs, feeling accomplished, 98% on my Music test (Woohoo! go me!), quality private-journal time, decorating, hilarious postcards, being surrounded by inspiration, juice boxes, cigars, sweet staffers, apple crisp, naked mole rat, cute socks, Nemo

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