Not Losing Myself =/ [ November 09, 2002, 2:16 am ]

I am upset. Wah wah waaah! =( So I totally didn't expect 8 Mile to be big in MARQUETTE. The armpit of despair, the city of nothingness. Oooh no. Never underestimate the city with nothing to do.

Yeah--it was sold out. And we got there by 9. Grr. It's ok I guess. I heard that it sold out by 6 for both of the evening showings. Arrrgh!

Me sad. I was really looking forward to seeing it tonight. Oh well--Sierra and I are gonna try tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully we'll have better luck. :p

Si-Si and I ended up running around WalMart for like an hour and a half. I needed food baaad. I had seriously no substantial food in my room. Now I do. Hurrah! And we found cheesecake. Real cheesecake. Restaurant quality cheesecake. Yay! It was nummy-ness. *grin*

We also found Comb-in hair dye for Sierra. I had to FORCE her to buy this stuff. It's soooo temporary--it washes out in like one wash, yet she was really hesitant. THe wuss. But she bought it and I put it in her hair. It's really pretty. It's effervescent and shimmery, not really a dark notice-me purple so Sierra's happy. It's quite subtle. But it looks really good. Too bad it washes out so easily. Wah! =(

Vent of the night: I HATE it when people you know and that used to (notice the past tense) dearly love don't even acknowledge you. It hurts on a level. I saw a former roommate tonight. She barely noticed my existence. For Christ's sake we shared a room for a school year. And she can barely bother to say hi to me? THAT is the epitome of bitchiness and self-centeredness if you ask me.

And granted, we didn't really part on amicable terms, but to me, it's water under the bridge, I've accepted it, forgiven and moved on. It's sad when others can't do the same. Hostility and bitterness won't get you anywhere--it'll just eat at you and make you an even bigger bitch.

That's all I'm gonna say there. Whatever. I don't like negative influences in my life and I certainly don't want them in my life either.



So I should go to sleep.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Suspect on MTV--interestingly pointless show

Crush du Jour:Sex God...and any guy with dark features. Yeah.....

Happy Thought of the Moment:pretty hair colors, purple, temporary dye, movie day TOMORROW, video games, yummy cheesecake, The Osbournes, DVD sets, running around Wally World, seeing Mama #2, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, BK runs, good friends, bonding experiences, the new Cosmo, looong naps, campus movie channel, Toby Maguire, funky fun hair, looking gooood, skee ball, acting silly, cute cheap shoes (SIERRAAA!), chaos running amock, cute bunnies, cute little kids

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