My Monday--Notsovery Exciting [ June 24, 2002, 7:05 pm ]

Wheeeee!! I'm way too psyched about this. 9 people have me listed as favorites. That makes me everso happy. THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU to all who have listed me. I greatly appreciate it. You all rock and I love you all. Mwah! other news: it's offical--Grandma is going to be admitted into a nursing home. It's for the best. It's just too hard for everyone to try to take care of her. She's difficult and Mom is just under way too much stress to try to deal with it anymore. And her siblings are in agreement with her. So tomorrow, she'll be put into a Baraga nursing home. My thoughts, prayers, and hopes are with all of my family during this trying time because I know how exhausted everyone is of this ordeal. And cuz I love them all.

Not a whole lot else is going on in my life at the moment. I'm really psyched about going down to Marquette!! I'm gonna have fuuuuuun! Yay yay yay! Shout-out to Em--glad you found ABC on your tv hon! Enjoy. :p *raspberry*

This week's inspirations: "Lilo and Stitch," mix tapes, popsicles, cinnamon gummy bears, stickers for my car--I got Calvin and Hobbes!, Blockbuster, massages, cute sandals, Sean Biggerstaff, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, having a clean room, getting a week off of work, the fact that Will Smith's new cd is coming out tomorrow (WHEEEE!!!), people who list me as a favorite, guys with accents, cruising, and sweet smelling candles.

Ugh--I gotta work tomorrow. What happened to 3 days in a row off every week? :P I know people aren't gonna sympathize, but I'm gonna crab about it anyway! Just please pray that my boss isn't crabby! I HATE IT when he's crabby. He reminds me of how my dad used to act whenever he was pissed off or angry--and that was quite a lot when I was younger. It totally sucks. So yeah--crabby is BAD. I totally do not need to have negative or crabby people in my life. They're complete downers, and I really don't care to associate with people like that. Negative people=BAD!

Aight, I should get going. I get to go and clean out my car. How fun! But later I'm gonna watch Mullholland Drive, so that should be cool.

Ciao, dahling!


Living Out My Rockstar Fantasy To: Hash Pipe by Weezer

Crush Du Jour: Mark Consuelos from "All My Children"

Happy Thought of the Moment: The thought that my car may finally get clean! Sweet! Oh--and all those thingys that I listed above too.

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