If you wanna kiss the sky... [ November 20, 2003, 12:00 am ]

Things that piss me off at this moment:

~procrastination--I have a 5-page paper due tomorrow and all I want to do is sleep. But can I? noooo because I've put off this stupid paper. Granted I can bullshit my way through it (and believe me, I am--I'm more than half done now--yay!), but I'm still mad that I didn't do it last night when I so could have.

~stupid people--I'm sorry, but I'm not your mommy, I'm not your personal tutor or your personal therapist (except for you, Joe, baby). I have crap to do so I can't sit here and hold your hand every step of the way. We're in college for fuck's sake, you can do things on your own. For real. Now stop whining, stop procrastinating (haaa--do as I say, not as I do) and move on with your life. Thank you.

~petty, mean people--this is the one that frustrates me the most. Someone I thought was a friend has decided to stop talking to me. Except he didn't tell me that until I tried talking to him a few weeks ago. Um, ok. That's fine. If you don't want to be friends,that's perfectly fine. Fuck you really. But do NOT under any circumstances try to make me feel like shit just because you decided to fuck with our friendship. It was you who did it, not me, so don't make me feel like the retard here. It is you, my former friend of friends who's being the ass, not me. I've tried, I really have. You're the asshole, the real true scum who thinks that you're the shit. You're shit alright, but the shit in my book. I have real friends who care and I'm not about to spend another nano-second worrying about what your fatass thinks.

You know that feeling you get when you just get everything out? That shiver? That high? That dizzy-good feeling?

Yup, just got that.


Sometimes I just hate people. Well, not people. In general I love people. I just hate dumbasses. And I've encountered a couple tonight.

I hate feeling like shit. It infuriates me that I felt like that a few hours ago because of someone I considered to be a "friend."



There, done for good.


Don't forget--311 tomorrow night at the Berry Event Center!!! If I don't see you there I may have to come and kick your ass!


Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "more to life" by Stacy Orrico

Crush du Jour: Sean W. Scott and the lead singer of 311 (mmm...yummy)

Happy Thought of the Moment: good Al Franken speech, BK runs, ice cold Pepsi, finding out you have lots of money in your checking account when you thought you were broke, good interviews, being inspired, easy tests 311 tomorrow, no flyers left (!!), manicure stil here, mommy here tomorrow (just for the day), working the desk, Domino's thin crust pizza, free magazines, Johnny Depp, that feeling I was just talking about, comfy "lounging" pants, U2, Jeopardy going over well tonight (56 people baby!), shiny nails, hugs, sleep, almost done with interview paper, photo shoot this weekend, black and white film

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